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TrueNorth77's Blog

SS is a PITA even from across the country

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So quick recap: SS18 is in college across the country- he has a gf in our state who is a Jr in HS, and they are obsessed with each other. They have had sex, her parents are religious and don't know. This wknd SD15 (temporarily retiring her Demon nickname as she has been consistently normal and decent for a few months now) told us that SS's gf's parents love SS because he told them they are waiting until marriage to have sex. So, he straight up lied to their faces when they talked to him about sex, because they were worried that SS and their daughter were having sex in their house.

DH has lost his damn mind

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DH and I have been in a rough place for a while. It's a roller-coaster really, when it's good it's good, but we can't seem to figure out how to fix the bad. Handling conflict has always been an issue, and it peaked in Oct. (not physical, but things were said that are unacceptable). I was at the point of asking for a divorce. DH pledged change on his part and explained how. We agreed to marriage counseling and have been going, although the sessions are short and EOW, so it's hard to see results fast, although she is giving us tools to work with and I can see potential.

More crazying- update

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Yesterday Demon15 and SS18 were supposed to go back to Crazy's, since NYE and NYD are her days. SS can do whatever but he's following Demon's schedule. DH and I took a trip out of state for a few days- we left on NYE. DH talked to both skids and told them to lock up, but that they were going to Crazy's that day. 

The Crazy get crazier

TrueNorth77's picture

We had a bday party for a friend at our house yesterday- it was fun, of course drinks were had. DH went to bed before me since he had to work early today. My phone rang at 10pm- it was Demon15. I did not answer. Apparently she called DH also, asking if he could pick her up because Crazy and her BF were smoking in the basement (like usual, but for some reason it was bothering her more this time) and she wanted to come to our house....but DH was almost asleep and had been drinking so he told her she was coming here tomorrow anyway, so he couldn't pick her up.  

Thanks for making me hate Christmas, skids!

TrueNorth77's picture

I never used to. Saturday We went to DH's parents and saw SS18 for the first time since he's been home from college. DH and him didn't talk for the first hour and DH ended up telling SS that they needed to talk about his college plans, because if SS thought he could just ignore DH and DH would still pay for SS's cellphone, car ins. And health ins, and co-signs all of his college loans, he had another thing coming because DH would stop paying all of it. SS got pouty but agreed to talk later.

Is it any wonder I don’t want to see these kids?

TrueNorth77's picture

Tonight Demon15 had a virtual counseling appt. She was in her room and I walked past and could clearly hear her talking to her counselor saying "I have like 4 friends, I just don't like them very much and I just use them all for different things. One gives me rides and takes me shopping, another tells me things. I just use them, I'm a user! I don't really like people". What in the actual F is wrong with this girl?? Then in the next breath she told the counselor "we match, you have red on and I have green on.

Skid Holiday anxiety

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The holiday anxiety surrounding skids is starting to set in. Demon15 came last night and although honestly she has been less demonic than usual and actually pretty normal, I still dread our custody weeks. I have zero interest in these kids being here.  

DH is mad about SS's room being a guest room

TrueNorth77's picture

I swear to God I am going to get a divorce before we become empty nesters, with the finish line just 2-1/2 yrs away, and 9yrs of step-hell will have been for nothing. 

SS18 has been at college since August. I posted about how we think he's probably going to be coming back for his HS gf, hopefully just transfering to another college, but who knows at this point. Either way, NOT living with us long-term, just for the summer at most- hopefully staying with Crazy. But I digress. 

Pretty sure SS is moving back for his HS GF

TrueNorth77's picture

DH has not talked to SS18 the Golden child in almost 3 WEEKS. DH is livid because SS is talking about hating college, and we know it's 99% because of his Jr-in-HS gf back home. SS is across the country and has a ton of friends, is in a frat, and this college is amazing for his major. There are HUGE opportunities that he could never get anywhere else. But, a month before he left for college he decided to get super serious with his gf here. WHY. Prior to that they would go weeks without seeing each other.
