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DH has lost his damn mind

TrueNorth77's picture

DH and I have been in a rough place for a while. It's a roller-coaster really, when it's good it's good, but we can't seem to figure out how to fix the bad. Handling conflict has always been an issue, and it peaked in Oct. (not physical, but things were said that are unacceptable). I was at the point of asking for a divorce. DH pledged change on his part and explained how. We agreed to marriage counseling and have been going, although the sessions are short and EOW, so it's hard to see results fast, although she is giving us tools to work with and I can see potential. I have seen DH implement the change he has promised. It has been like a 180 with how he fights. 

Except- within the past few weeks, it's like he has stopped trying. He doesn't seem to want to work through the conflict, but rather to just stay angry and keep it going, getting angry at everything I say even when we go back and try to talk through it. I'm the enemy. On Mon. it started with a convo about Demon15's manicure habit, and HOLY CRAP what part of disengage do I not understand?? 

Demon and DH walked in the door talking about how Demon spends $50-$70/mo on manicures, which I think is ridiculous, as does DH. He was telling her as much and telling her to buy supplies to do them on her own. I chimed in saying isn't that most of the $ you make a month?? She said it's 1/2. She's saving for a car and gets her license in June-How does she expect to get there if she's saving $50/month?? DH didn't hear my suggestion about nails my friends buy, thought I was just telling her it was stupid to spend that much, and motioned for me to stop talking (she wasn't looking). I asked him later why he did that, and he said he was talking to her, if she wants to spend $ on that she can, and of course I "don't realize how I talk to skids". Should I have said anything to her? 100% no. But I wasn't being ridiculous with her to the point of him stopping me from talking. Then he went on to ask me if I had a conversation/text thread going with SS18. I said, No? He said "Well, there you go". Insinuating that it was because of how I talk to SS. I said, do you want to know why? I don't WANT to talk to SS. He was disrespectful to me, disrespectful to you, and I don't want to be lied to all the time. I said he looked into our camera and talked sh*t to me, you never addressed it, and I don't want to talk to him. DH actually tried to tell me he DID talk to SS (I asked him twice if he did months later- he said he hadn't, and SS was at college across the country- he didn't even have a chance to talk to him, so no, he didn't). I said, so if you talked to him, why didn't SS apologize? DH asked me if SS had ever done that before- said something so disrespectful to me- (He really hasn't)- and then DH said, maybe I should reflect on my behavior then, and think about if how I talk to SS is why SS would do something like that. I said, Oh, is this the part where you blame me for SS's behavior???? UNREAL. I asked DH if HE had a text thread going with SS? He said "nothing meaningful, but I'm in a different position than you". DH and SS haven't been in a great spot for months, because SS is an a*shole. So, it's ok for DH and SS to not really be talking- but I'm held to a different standard. Make it make sense! 

Last night DH asked if there was anything about that convo I wanted to discuss, and hell yes. First, he mocked me in a way that is unacceptable. I also mentioned the text thread comment and blaming me for SS's behavior- except I can't just finish talking- he cuts me off and gets upset with me for everything I say. I said, I get along with both kids- he goes "Oh, and you think it's ok to just get along with both kids"? Apparently that's not good enough. I said, I'm sorry- so I have to have a perfect relationship with them? I have a pretty good relationship with them. And I don't want to be besties with SS right now- I don't like who he is very much. I don't like his attitude, his entitlement, his disrespect towards either of us. I told him if he remembers, when SS walked into Xmas at DH's moms, SS and his gf came and sat next to ME the entire time to talk to me. So we are doing just fine. I don't know what DH's problem is. His kids are almost f'ng grown, and he is going to criticize my relationships with them, when Demon is just starting to be normal and even DH has struggled to talk to her because she has been impossible? He was just saying how she has been talking to me again lately! And he tells me all the time how SS likes me and always asks me where I am. It's like he's dead set on finding something I am doing wrong with them. 

I am honestly at the end of my rope. We have had so many arguments in the past few weeks, and I am not ok with how DH doesn't seem to give a F about how he handles the conflict, and his lack of trying. He has regressed to before counseling, before Oct. Many times I have almost told him I want to separate. We have counseling today and I am going to lay it all out there. That this can't continue. We can't even go a week without a fight. What's crazy is that we have also had great times in there, and I love him and no part of me wants to separate or divorce, but I refuse to fight 50% of the time and his IDGAF attitude about it is unacceptable. My heart is breaking because I have told him it feels like he's not trying, and he isn't doing anything to improve. 

Off-topic, Demon's Make-A-Wish is apparently finally happening next week.  After running the gamut of options, getting turned down by DH for the service dog she doesn't need because we don't want a dog, scratching Disney off the list when we reminded her she can't go on rides due to her medical condition (Crazy was going to try and take her to DISNEY and go on all the rides, even though she called CPS on us for allowing Demon to go on a roller-coaster once), Demon settled on a $4,000 shopping spree at a mall, with a limo taking her. It feels kind of dirty, since we are a middle class family and she isn't lacking- it feels like a money grab. And, it is a literal money grab. But whatever- she does qualify for MAW, she does have a life-threatening condition, and while it's under control and feels like other kids could benefit more...we can't exactly fight it since Crazy pushed for this. Hopefully Demon won't be dressing like a hobo anymore, although Crazy is trashy and is the one going with her, so my hopes aren't high...


Cover1W's picture

I am so sorry you are going through this.

Your DH sounds like mine before he hit rock bottom, constant arguing with me, was not helpful at all, blaming me for part of what happened with the SDs, and I was literally one foot out the door, talking with realtors and boxing my sh*t up. It wasn't until all that was real for him that he knew if he didn't change he was gong to lose me. I was 98% just done. The only thing that saved it was him agreeing to couples counseling, finding a personal counselor to deal with his issues (big ones!), and lots and lots of discussions - no arguments but discussions. Since August, we are still in counseling together, down from 1x per week to 2x per month and he's stil with his counselor. We both work on things. If he didn't do all this and I didn't see a huge change, I would have made the choice to go. I think your decision to tell your DH exactly where you are in the relationship at your next counseling appointment is spot on. You need to do it. He's taking out his fears and whatever his angst is with his kids/relationship on you. And whatever else is going on with him. He needs to be told. You have your head screwed on correctly and keep it that way. Be honest and forthright. Good luck!

TrueNorth77's picture

DH sounds EXACTLY like your DH (minus a few details, which I'm sorry you had to go through). Today I was looking online for apts, and I talked to my boss because although I WFH, the last I heard, technically I need to be in my state for my job. When I mentioned that to her once she seemed surprised and didn't understand why, so today I brought it up to her again and told her a bit of what was going on (she is aware we have had issues and that DH attempted suicide last year) and that I feel trapped if we were to separate. I don't really want to stay in our state. I'm mostly here for DH. The thought of selling our house and having to get an apt. or buy a new house here because I'm stuck here when I work REMOTE and my company isn't even based here is extremely depressing. She's going to look into it and see if that really is a requirement, and if so, if she can get it changed. She doesn't want me trapped, if DH and I were to separate/divorce. She did make a good point though, and suggested that if we do separate, to not do anything permanent, just get a short-term 1month rental in CO or somewhere. Which would be perfect. It would give distance and I would be by my best friends. 

I do think that DH takes me staying for granted, although I'm not sure why, because I left for a mental health break for 10 days previously (mostly from skids and stress in general), and then I left HIM for a wknd. He knows I am capable of doing it, and he just about lost his mind when I did it. 

I was not able to get everything out in our session today, but I did say that this is not the marriage I want, I cannot and will not continue with this level of conflict, and it needs to change because I cannot handle it. Unfortunately 30 minutes does not seem to be enough to unpack all you need to discuss about what will lead to you separating... we have an assignment to write down all of the things we are currently disagreeing on, discuss them, and then regroup in the next session. I may need to just tell him during that time how serious I am. If the time between now and the next session doesn't show improvement, this may need to happen. Last year was one of the worst years I have ever had- I cannot do another one like that, and I will not spend over 50% of our time fighting. I deserve to be happy and I will be, even if it breaks my heart to get there.

MorningMia's picture

I was not able to get everything out in our session today, but I did say that this is not the marriage I want, I cannot and will not continue with this level of conflict, and it needs to change because I cannot handle it. Unfortunately 30 minutes does not seem to be enough to unpack all you need to discuss about what will lead to you separating... we have an assignment to write down all of the things we are currently disagreeing on, discuss them, and then regroup in the next session. I may need to just tell him during that time how serious I am. If the time between now and the next session doesn't show improvement, this may need to happen. Last year was one of the worst years I have ever had- I cannot do another one like that, and I will not spend over 50% of our time fighting. I deserve to be happy and I will be, even if it breaks my heart to get there.

Im so sorry you're going through this and, yes, you are doing the right thing: You know you need to take care of yourself! You do deserve to be happy! Hugs. 

TrueNorth77's picture

I really appreciate this. I come on here and read the kind things everyone says and want to cry. lol. It really does help.

Survivingstephell's picture

He's testing you.  plain and simple.  He wants to know if your new "rules for relationship" are going to stick.  This should be a topic of counseling today.  Call him out on his treatment of you, his brady bunch fantasy and his backtracking.  Make $hit real today.   I might add that a separation might be in order so he can see what life would be like without you in it.  Either he joins you or not.  Its way overdue .   He also needs to be told that the teens are transitioning into separate people who have different needs than a child needs.  That's natural and should be encouraged, letting them suffer the consequences of their actions/choices.  Failure is needed to teach lessons.  Not being able to buy a car is a big lesson if done right.  You know that.  

Good luck today.  

TrueNorth77's picture

I had about 10 more things to say in counseling today. I needed another hour- we had 30 minutes. I didn't even get to hit on half of what you mentioned. Still, we have to make a list of all of the things we are arguing about, and those things are on the list. They will get discussed no matter what. The thing is- we have discussed the skids and the issues with them. HIS issues with them. How his kids are a PITA (his words), how they are difficult. All of the things. He knows this, and that it has nothing to do with me. He is looking for a place to put his frustrations and it's ending up in my lap. There is zero reason to talk about this crap with SS- he is thousands of miles away and it's a nonissue. DH is barely talking to him. Who cares if I'm BFF's with him?? And things with SD are improving. He knows that. He sees her talking to me and that things are fine with us. There is no issue- he is creating one.  

AgedOut's picture

maybe it's because when he can pretend you are the problem he gets to also pretend that he isn't one. all of this is him projecting. he figures he's got you where he wants you and you will be his blame target and you'll just take it. then he can pretend he has some imaginary great relationship w/ his kids. 

advice.only2's picture

I agree you need to lay this all out in counseling and let him know you won’t be backtracking, only going forward.  It’s his choice if he wants to continue forward or not. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

It seems he is taking all of his anger/saddness/angst about his kids out on you. Easier to blame you than the kids. I agree, lay it all out in therapy and if necessary, start the separation process. Maybe that will make him see the light. Also, I know you know this, but disengagement when it comes to SD is going to make your life much easier. It will probably bother DH, but for your sake, you need to just let the stuff that doesn't directly affect you go when it comes to SD.

TrueNorth77's picture

You are absolutely right about that last part. And I do know it. DH says I don't admit fault- One piece of advice the Counselor gave today was for me to not parent skids and let DH handle it. I told her, oh i know....and I have been trying sooo hard. I even called it disengagement. I failed on this one, and I regret it- that was my mistake. I said I do not parent SS, and The reason I don't have a "text thread" with him is because I would not be able to hold back from "parenting him", and calling him out on his disrespect and lying, so I choose to remain silent and not text at all. Also, since when does a SM have to have a text thread with an 18yr old?? Has DH not seen the videos about teens not even responding to their own parents texts?? 


StepUltimate's picture

I'm getting flashbacks to 2021 when I filed for divorce during a "trial separation" with xH. The blame-shifting. The triangulation (Skids = victims, Step = Persecutor, BioParent = Rescuer). The choosing to be miserable. The complaining and negativity... it's so toxic and exhausting!

Sorry you're going thru this! I WFH too and moved two states away from my xH and It. Is. GLORIOUS! I highly recommend it - they don't change but you can!


AlmostGone834's picture

Hmph... Make A Wish... what Demon needs is a good kick in the pants and some chores, not a $4k shopping spree. I don't care if her condition is "life threatening". We all know nasty people don't die very easily. They usually live a long life chock full of inflicting misery on those around them.

Your DH needs to wake up. TOLERATING his kids is asking a lot of any woman. I would have lost my damn mind just trying to be civil to them. Does he really think any woman would be interested in forming a relationship with him and his band of circus rejects? 

Harry's picture

Stoping my money to Make a wish.   DH is trying to keep everyone happy except himself.  Thus making no one happy.  If the marrage councilor isn't working out try another.   Different personalities, different approaches.    DH may be to far gone for you.  His DD is mentally challenged, she will never be happy. 
'It's your life. You only live it once. You have to do what's best for you.  It's hard to give up your happiness for no good reason.