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What parent does this??

trophySmom's picture

Okay...last week we had an issue with the BM(suprise suprise) We have 50/50 custody of my two SD's 11 & 13 so during the week tuesdays and wednesdays are our days to have the girls. I haven't written alot of posts so many of you may not be familiar with my situation. I've lived with DH for almost six years-and all during that time have acted as a stepmom to the girls-we've been married for almost 3 yrs. Most of our issues are in the past and my relationship with the girls is great-and I just let DH handle anything that comes up with BM because we find it easier to ignore each others existence than to communicate with each other.
Well the deal is my YSD 11, has always been comfortable asking me for whatever she needs, or permission for whatever she wants to do. As long as what she wants to do isn't putting her in danger than I usually say yes, well their last day of school was this past friday and because my last day isn't until next friday(I work at a school) and my DH had to go do his payroll, he's in sales so his hours always vary, and the BM was also working, she asked if she could walk to our house-it was our weekend-with a friend and seeing as though we live about the equivalent of 6 blocks away from the school and she wouldn't have to cross the highway I said yes and reminded her about the importance of being extra careful when crossing streets-keep in mind she'll be 12 in a couple months and we live in a small rural town with population around 6,000 people- so that was settled.
On Wednesday afternoon I hear her talking on the phone and when she hangs up she says to her sister, "I hate mom, she never lets me do anything anymore" I asked her what it is she wanted to do, thinking it must be something she wants to do while she's at her moms house, She says she won't let her walk to her friends, then I realized she meant right then, I asked my SD why in the world was she calling her mom to ask her that when she was at our house(she doesn't normally do that?) she didn't really answer and then walked outside.
I told my DH about the situation and he said he would handle it-so later he talked to her and told her when she's at our house she follows our house rules and that there are only one of two people she needs to ask to do things. He told me she understood and was glad that we trusted her because she feels like BM doesn't trust her even though she hasn't done anything wrong, (which is true, she's a good kid, and always let's me know where she is and who she's with by way of her cell phone.)
So when DH and I are discussing this later he tells me that SD told him that when she told her BM she was walking home from school on Friday, BM threaten to ground her if she did!!! Of course he told her that if that ever happens no matter whose house she at to call him and he would take care of it.

Now how can any parent think it's fair to punish their kid for doing something the other parent gave them permission to do while they were in the custody of the other parent-even if it was an empty threat- I think that was totally ridiculous and so does my DH.
...and that is why I think she called BM to ask permission to walk to her friends for fear that if she didn't and it got back to her she might get grounded.
My DH said that SD understands what he said to her and that she knows he's got her back in these situations-which means if that ever happened he'd go off on BM- so hopefully we won't have this situation again, but when I think about it it pisses me off so bad!
My SD should not have to be afraid of doing the things we give her permission to do and if the BM has a problem with it she needs to call their father not threaten her child, a child who has done nothing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last Nerve's picture

It doesn't matter to BM if your DH or you give SD permission to do something. It's not what BM wants, so it's not right. The threat of grounding, I'm sure, was BM's way of basically saying to SD "It's all your Dad's fault for telling you that you could walk. Now YOU have to pay the consequences for HIM being a bad parent". It's completely designed to ensure SD follows BM's rules, regardless whose house she's at, and have SD second guess both yours and DH's authority in SD's life.

At least that's what our BM would do...

trophySmom's picture

I don't think my SD would be able to say that to her BM. Both girls have always been afraid of upsetting the BM-not because she's violent or anything-she uses guilt and hurt feelings as her weapon of choice. I just hope she figures out what her older sister figured out long ago-that you ask whatever parent your with for permission and there is no need to bring it up when your with the opposite parent- of course it wouldn't matter to us because from day one we've always supported the idea that if you are at your moms it's not our place to interfere with the way she parents....not quite sure why she can't ascribe to the same way of thinking!

Anon2009's picture

and DH simply told her that if she has any issues with how we handle things under our roof when the kids were with us, she needs to email US, not penalize the kids. I don't think it's fair to the kids to be put in the middle like that. We now have custody but BM got the picture.

Sunflower's picture

Our BM is just like this. I havent done a whole lot a reseach on PAS but I know our BM has many issues with CONTROL. It sounds like your BM is trying to control how you and DH raise your Skids. I wish these women (crazy BM's) could just get it together and move on. Find some other poor sap to drive crazy and marry.