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So depressed and angry about BM's popularity parenting

Bojangles's picture

It's been a while since I posted, I've been trying to muddle along on my own during the last year with SD15 in residence, but today an incident occured which again crystallised why stepparenting someone elses teen is such a strain: it's so much responsibility practically and emotionally, and so little control.

SD15 has been with us for a year, despite my suspicion that she would bail out and return to her mother's more permissive home after a stretch living with the more traditional boundaries we have here. Even after a huge amount of effort to bond with SD and treat her as my own, and even though we mostly get on well, I still feel a weight lift when she departs for her mother's house, and a sense of tension before her return. I just cannot feel as relaxed in my home as I do when it's just me, BD4, BS2 and DH. BM has SS13 living with her but is still unhappy that SD has chosen to live here and over the summer has carefully orchestrated a number of events to extend SD's time at her house.

Although I am irritated by BM's underhand tactics and frequent failure to consult with DH before changing the dates for SD's return, part of me has been relieved to have more time alone with BD and BS and less time with a bored teenager in the house. But this week it transpired that BM had bought tickets for SD15 and SD20 to go to a weekend music festival, camping overnight for 3 nights, on our weekend with her, and without agreeing it with DH beforehand. She got SD to call DH at work and ask if she could go to the festival, without specifying whether it was for one day or the weekend, or giving any other details, thus giving him inadequate information to make a decision and putting him in the position of being the bad guy if he said no. BM commented in the background that she would call him to discuss it later, she never called, and then the next day informed him that the tickets had been purchased and they were for the entire weekend.

DH and I are not happy about a 15 year old camping out at a music festival, we are the custodial home and it is completely out of order for BM to arrange an activity on our time, let alone one which involves trust and privileges which should have been agreed with DH. It is already a struggle to prevent SD15 trying to assume the rights and privileges of her 20 year old sister, without giving her this kind of freedom.

I was actually suprised by the force of my reaction when I got the message from DH confirming SD15 would be spending the entire weekend at the festival. I cried for about 20 minutes, whilst trying to work out why I was so upset. I think ultimately it comes down to my powerlessness in the face of her mothers machinations and DH's resigned acceptance that she is a loose cannon who cannot be controlled. I ended up calling DH and asking him what was the point of my working so hard to treat her as my own so she could feel part of a happy family unit, when my ability to parent her consistently and set and maintain appropriate boundaries can be completely undermined at a moments notice by her mother. Why is it that her actual mother treats parenting as a popularity contest, leaving me to either be a hypocrite and feign acceptance of things I disapprove of, or be the bad guy? It's at times like this that I wish SD would just return to her mother's house and leave me out of it. But of course that is just what BM is aiming for.


areyoukiddingme's picture

Oh my goodness. It sounds like you are living my life!

First of all, I am so sorry and can relate 100%. I have done the same with my SD16. Although she is with us week on, week off, her mother is exactly the same way with no respect to our rules, etc.

Due to this, I have started the disengagement process about 3-4 weeks ago. I have found myself in your situation too many times and its just not fair. I was so emotionally spent that I was neglecting the rest of my family (bd10, BS7 and DH). I spend a lot less time locking myself in the bathroom, bedroom or wherever I could just to cry because I was so hurt and stressed with SD16 and BM.

I do hope, for your family and more importantly your sanity that you are able to find a solution. I have found so much support just reading blogs and comments on this site. You are not alone and you do not deserve to feel that way.

Bojangles's picture

Thankyou so much. I wish my DH could relate 100%. I am a hopeless disengager unfortunately, I'm lucky if I can last a week without interfering. But I also worry about the impact of my sporadic bursts of stress over SD on my own children, who are only 4 and 2. I'm also 33 weeks pregnant so I know the hormones aren't helping me. It does help to know I'm not alone.

Bojangles's picture

"If you are so stressed with SD there why are you so worried about BMs attempts to keep her daughter longer?"

You're right and I know there is a contradiction there, I enjoy it when she's away longer but I resent the way it happens because I wish her mother would be more honest and courteous in arranging it, and more reciprocal - if DH tries to get any extra time with SS13 (who lives with BM) she comes up with some reason to prevent it. I do also worry what she might be getting up to at her mother's house, because her abiding by the rules here seems fairly shallow if she uses her mothers house to do stuff she can't do here. The trouble is that I'm an all or nothing personality and I hate the idea of her living here like a lodger over which I have no control. I want all the children in my home to be parented consistently.

My problem with disengaging is that SD does have some real problems and has been in trouble with drinking, smoking, drugs and stopping out all night before she moved in with us. She also self harms and is seeing a counsellor. A lot of that was down to the fact that her own mother was fundamentally disengaged because she is an alcoholic (although she has not accepted this and got help). I feel like SD needs me to be engaged, because if I just switched off and didn't concern myself with how she was feeling and what she was doing we would end up with the same distance and isolation that caused SD to spiral downwards and want to move out of her mothers house in the first place. There just don't seem to be any easy answers, she seems happier and more stable since she moved here but I do worry I'm putting myself through a lot and at the end of the day DH and BM will be the ones reaping the rewards. At any rate she is at the festival now with strict instructions and is calling DH twice a day to check in. I'm sure it will be OK but I dread her coming back with yet more big ideas about the freedoms to which a 15 year old is entitled.

CrazyCubanStepMOM's picture

Hi YOu are definitely not alone. I know what you mean. My SS 14 and SD 11 have been living with me for six years now but their BM thinks its a popularity contest. She lets them stay up late and watch stuff that we would never let them watch. She wants to be their friend while we try to parent them. ITs a hard battle to live with day in and day out. But you are Not alone. Good Luck.