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Nice Parenting BM

the_stepmonster's picture

So last week BM fired her nanny. Apparently the nanny had the nerve to confront BM about her drinking and BM decided she didn't need a nanny after all (which I could have told her before she hired her).

So what does BM do with all that extra money now that she isn't spending her entire CS check on an unnecessary nanny? She buys SD11 an iPhone. Yup. A brand new iPhone for an 11 year old. Please keep in mind that this is the same BM who is way behind on all her bills to the point that all her services were shut off not even a month ago.

I don't care that BM can't manage her money (well I care a little since her little spending sprees are coming out of our pocket but whatever). What I care about is she didn't buy SD9stb10 one. BM sent SD9 to live with her grandmother in December and now BM wants her back. Understandably SD9 does not want to move back with her mother who basically kicked her out. So BM's plan is to bribe SD9stb10 with a new iPhone in order to get her to move back home. Until then SD11 will be showing off and making SD9 feel bad and BM will be relishing in the fact that her plan is working. Not to mention DH found this all out at 10:30pm last night from SD11 who probably should have been in bed considering it was a school night.

Here's an idea, BM. How about instead of bribing your children to live with you, you don't ship them off in the first place? Or how about you just parent them properly without being drunk off your ass everyday?