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O/T Princesses of Darkness

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Thank you everyone for your responses yesterday...I am taking my blog in a different direction today.

I started a job new job in the beginning of October…it was a much needed upgrade from where I was previously.Anyways, in the beginning(its funny how any challenge starts with in the beginning) but really, initially I had thoughtthat wow, everyone in this organization is so much more like a TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More-something
where I used to work- lacked. And in Many ways, this new workplace is like that at times….it’s a small company but is the sister company of a much larger organization.

There are 8 office staff, 2 of them are males and the rest are females, ranging from the ages of 23-early 50’s.

Anyways, these new co workers of mine, have AT times caused me MAJOR grief, who I will refer to as
“The Princesses of Darkness”

Well the one Princess, also called “Across the Hall Mate”…has dictated me around like she’s Hitler or something,she watches what I do, like if I don’t answer the phone to her standards, she’s very snappy and says in a snarky voice, "You need to ask the customer if it’s a container or trailer work.”…I forgot I cant read, cant write, cant speak Duh?
She is always caustic to me, she is not moody with others, in fact her disposition is quite cheery when im not around usually.

Lately however, ive noticed that shes been sucking up to me…who knows why. She was very interested
in knowing my background when I first started.

The Second Princess of Darkness, doesn’t like to do her job and because she is going to university she is all high and mighty,the irony of her attitude- she is studying social work…she has to be the most judgmental person in this place. She lacks empathy
and compassion for anyone that is not in her immediate circle…sorry I cant afford to wear Michael Kors.

Anyways, yesterday I wore this pink t-shirt sort of thing…I didn’t think it was weird in any way…So I get up because one of my Drivers is at the front and I notice the “Two Princesses of Darkness” are talking to each other and as I get up, the
second princess of darkness starts laughing(for no apparent reason-pretty sure it was because I was wearing pink)…so I retaliate not in a mean way-but I stare at them and they wipe that smile off their face.

I notice that the both of them look at me and pay attention to what I wear and frankly, I am getting sick of feeling insecure because of these B’s…I do not wear cheap shit…I don’t think I look weird…definitely not hot enough to be envied of, so Im wondering what these ingrates have a problem with?
On Saturday, I also ran into Princess of Darkness 2, at a restaurant and even SO said she looked like she was forced to say, “Hi”…after we left the restaurant I was paying for the bill and all her friends were looking at me-it was very uncomfortable.

Disengaging works in the work place as well…I have a new attitude, I just do my job and talk very little with my co-workers, perhaps this is weird and maybe it’s the wrong way to handle things, but I keep to myself…ive noticed they don’t say as much…and my grief and self-esteem doesn’t go down.


oneoffour's picture

I think you are handling it well. Me being me would make up all kinds of stuff. Like when you were younger you backpacked around Europe or the Australian outback. And didn't you visit the Louvre in Paris... twice? How you got caught in a thunderstorm and your car nearly floated away.

They are Meangirls. If you are anything other than in 'the mold' they feel threatened and insecure. Mess with their heads...

Justme54's picture

Are the young? Most likely insecure. You are the new hire...some see that as a maybe in time you will be reaplacing one of them. I think that is more so with small companies. Hold you head high...girl!