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tankh21's Blog

Bat s**** crazy BM strikes again!!

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BM is starting her bat **** crazy antics again. Last night around 9:30 pm OSS texts DH and tells him that BM will drop off them at our house next Friday night because she is taking them to the waterpark that day. DH told SS that he will meet BM somewhere to pick them up. SS said that BM wants to drop us off at your house and what is the problem. I am thinking REALLY BM! Then I get the blame for it of course because I am the one that doesn't want BM at our house so SS says.

I will leave every time now...

tankh21's picture

So I left both Saturday and Sunday and went to my dad's house because DH continued to make excuses for this kids. Friday night, YSS was yelling on his stupid headset with his little gaming friends at midnight and DH was too lazy to get up and tell him to be quiet or take the XBox away from him so he yelled at him while laying in bed and it woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep.

Asinine excuses.....

tankh21's picture

So skids finally went back to BM's yesterday. DH mentioned that the skids are afraid of me. I asked him well did they tell you that? He said no I just think that they are. They sure as hell aren't afraid of me when they want something though. I am thinking ok DH keep making asinine excuses for your kids. I told DH that if he wants to keep getting disrespected by his kids then that is his problem but I will not be and I will keep doing what I am doing.

Enjoying disengagement and trying to be positive....

tankh21's picture

Disengagment has been working so far. Last night YSS wanted to make pancakes at 9:30 at night. I was taking the dogs outside and SS asked DH if he would make pancakes for him. DH told him no that it was too late. He told SS to eat a snack. I am just sitting back and letting him handle his kids. I am not putting my two sense in. I am not cleaning up any messes they leave. If they leave a mess I tell DH that they left a mess and that he needs to clean it up or make them clean it up.

Same s***, different day with BM...

tankh21's picture

So BM moved to a different place for awhile. She texted DH and told him that he needed to drop the skids off at this address when they come back from summer visitation because she is going to be living there for awhile. It is even further for DH to drive there then it was to BM's before. So he asked her if they can meet somewhere halfway since it's further for him to drive. Of course she said no and that he needs to drop them off. Same s***, different day!

Yesterday when I got home from work.....

tankh21's picture

So yesterday when I got home skids were slamming doors. DH tells both of them to go take a bath. YSS is arguing with DH I just walk right on by and ignore both of them. Disnengagement is getting easier! DH asked me if I wanted to talk. I told him that we could talk about things when the skids go back to BM's this coming Sunday. He said ok and went to the kitchen because the skids were whining that they were hungry. DH made sausage for them. I didn't bother to tell him to clean up the mess.

Argument and didn't get any sleep!!

tankh21's picture

So DH and I had an argument last night. He was asking me why I am such a controk freak. Well I had asked him to tell his kids to clean the bathroom because I am not their maid. He said that I was being demanding about little things. He said that it wasn't just about making his kids clean the bathroom that it was me demanding him to do things all day long. So evidently I am on his butt to much and asking him to do too many things. He also makes comments about how useless my dog is. I could say a lot to him but what is the point.

The the month of hell is almost over and just a few questions....

tankh21's picture

The month of hell is almost over next week will be the last week then it goes back to EOW until school starts back up again. DH has them on Thursday night and EOW plus holidays during the school year. BM has been quiet since something is keeping her busy. When the skids go back next week I have a feeling she will start her drama up again. So she sent a picture of a receipt when she took the skids to the dentist. CO states that she has to provide receipts, statements, etc however, we have always provided an actual paper copy to her.
