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Argument and didn't get any sleep!!

tankh21's picture

So DH and I had an argument last night. He was asking me why I am such a controk freak. Well I had asked him to tell his kids to clean the bathroom because I am not their maid. He said that I was being demanding about little things. He said that it wasn't just about making his kids clean the bathroom that it was me demanding him to do things all day long. So evidently I am on his butt to much and asking him to do too many things. He also makes comments about how useless my dog is. I could say a lot to him but what is the point. I did tell him how I felt unappreciated by him and his brats. He said that everything is always about me. I asked him how is everything about me? He ignored me and didn't answer me so
just left it alone. But how is everything about me? I pay most of the bills and still have him and his kids on my medical insurance. If anything everything is about him and his kids!!


CANYOUHELP's picture

Tell him to get his own medical insurance and HIS kids are his responsbility, prepare to pull your weight...but your weight only financially.   Didn't you realize HIS kids do not have to do anything? Yes, they are entitled brats, this weakling parent has raised them to be irresponsible and lazy.  So clean nothing; cook nothing.  When the brats are around kind lady, nothing is about you with this kind of enmeshed sickness.  You do not exist and you are in the way of their love fest, I know this firsthead. Try your best to stay away from him whenever he feels the need to focus 110% of his attention on the nastiness he created.

So what does he expect your dog do? Get a job? Sounds like the dog has more utility than his kids---oh, I could have some fun with this one....

Do not let this man intimidate you into silence. You are describing a man so self absorbed (many of us know him), that he will stop at nothing to "make" you do --as he insists--around his brats, because he is wimp daddeee of the year.  Have no part of this, speak your mind, and let the cards fall where they may; if the idiot leaves and takes his brats--you can start over and have some peace in your life. You have to teach people how to treat you.....



tankh21's picture

Yeah I know this isn't the first time he has made comments about my dog. I honestly think that he makes negative comments about my dog because of what I say about his kids. He ejects his negative feelings unto me. We argue about his brats all the time. I am thinking they complained about me to daddy and then he attacked me. But maybe this control freak should jump ship pretty soon!!

CANYOUHELP's picture

Hi Tank,

If he is using your "dog" as a pawn to gaslight you, then he does not have much to complain about and he is really ridiculously reaching. You are not supposed to SAY a word about his precious pieces of work; but will anyway (because you respect yourself and you are human) and let him be nasty until he jumps ship or grows up; he is not the captain of your ship, even if he acts that way toward you.

tankh21's picture

Thank you CANYOUHELP. I told him that he was trying to gaslight me and he asked me what that word meant. I am sure he googled it. I am very vocal and very much an extrovert. He says that I am too blunt and argumentative but I told him if he doesn't like who I am then I can leave. He just shows down and ignores me. Now today he will act like nothing happened or try to play it off like nothing is wrong. I know that his kids do not like me and I have disengaged for the most part. It's like a teacher student relationship. I think they are trying to establish that it's their house and not mine. Which I totally ignore and do not rationalize with them but it's funny to watch them still try to let know that it's their house and not mine after 2 1/2 years.

tankh21's picture

Thank you CANYOUHELP. I told him that he was trying to gaslight me and he asked me what that word meant. I am sure he googled it. I am very vocal and very much an extrovert. He says that I am too blunt and argumentative but I told him if he doesn't like who I am then I can leave. He just shuts down and ignores me. Now today he will act like nothing happened or try to play it off like nothing is wrong. I know that his kids do not like me and I have disengaged for the most part. It's like a teacher student relationship. I think they are still trying to establish that it's their house and not mine. Which I totally ignore and do not rationalize with them but it's funny to watch them still try to let know that it's their house and not mine after 2 1/2 years.

nengooseus's picture

He knows how bad the situation is with his kids (and him), so he's projecting all the badness on to you to make you feel that it's really your fault. 

I know you don't think of yourself as a control freak, but so what if you are?  Big freaking deal.  He's a lazy parent and a financial leech.  You're demanding about little things?  So?  You're also 100% responsible for that household right now.  You can be demanding fi you want to be.

What are you getting out of this relationship?  If I were you, I'd just be getting out...

tankh21's picture

I try to think that he would do the same thing for me if I didn't have a job. I am still thinking about leaving after he gets back on his feet.

nengooseus's picture

That if the tables were turned, the situation would be very different.  You're financially supporting him and his horrible kids while he criticizes you for doing or saying anything he doesn't like.  He ignores your needs and wishes and he tells you you're being controlling.  His kids are rude, wasteful, and plan out disrespectful, but that's somehow your fault, if you listen to him.

Tank, you need a therapist.  You need someone to remind you that you're worthy of better treatment than this.  

oneoffour's picture

OK I get how you are outgoing and him ... not so much. But consider dialing back the informstion you tell DH to pass onto his kids. Just tidy up after yourself and if DH wants to run around after them he can do it to his hearts content.

See the trick is to let the kids know or think that they are a non event in your life. It doesn't matter whether you are there or not. If DH is around he is in charge. When he isn't you are in charge. This is just the way things are. Otherwise he can pass the kids back to BM. Are his children left in the care of teachers at school? Does he expect them to follow the teachers instructions? What about babysitters? If a babysitter said "We need to get out now! There is a gas leak!" does he expect his kids to argue with the sitter?

As for the dog argument .... tell him your dog will get a job and his/her own health insurance although the dog my need assistance with transportation until he/she gets the hang of catching a bus or learns to drive. And my piece de resistance would be I know you think I am bossy. But right now I am supporting your kids and you. And I carry you and your kids on my health insurance. You should be kissing my butt because neither you or their mother are contribuing one cent. So back off on the criticism and man up on the helping out. I cannot live in ungrateful chaos. I can like in a happy grateful slightly untidy speace. When people are nice to me I can forgive or ignore a little mess. When people are hostile towaards me I notice everything."

Indigo's picture

Oneoffour has clarified the situation perfectly.

ESMOD's picture

He is unhappy with the balance of power in the home now that he is unemployed and probably hates the fact that he has to rely on you... but then again.. he is ok with soaking you  for money.. he just needs to knock you down a peg so that he doesn't feel like such a lousy husband (which is what he is.).

Now, he of course hits you with a bit of a truth bomb.... you are controlling.  I can see it through your posts and the way that the most minor things set you off.  Personally, I wouldn't let some of those things bother me the way you do... but we are different people and no two are alike.  But, as someone else said... so what?  A lot of people are more anal about the way their home is run and it's clear that "messy and ill behaved kids" are a huge stressor on you... so you have to set boundaries that work for you.  The bigger problem is that your DH doesn't agree with those boundaries.  He does a lot of  "yes dearing" when you tell him you don't want the kids sleeping on the couch.. or eating junk food but in reality, he cares not one lick about either of them and only is agreeing to basically get you off his back.  And I can see how your disengagement is pushing more responsibility on him and he doesn't like it.  Also, you would logically expect an unemployed guy sitting at home to actually pitch in to make up for the fact that they aren't working.. your DH.. I bet it's not happening unless you literally place the vacuum in his hand and turn it on.  But that reminds him he is unemployed and that makes him feel bad.. and he doesn't want to feel bad so he just retreats to his video games. 

I honestly think you would be happier without him.  You intensely dislike his children... and they are not going away.  they are going to be a thorn in your side as long as you are with him.  Your DH is also not respectful of you... I remember the car incident and others where he doesn't give a rip about what your needs are.  I honestly don't see any amount of tenderness towards each other.. in the way you describe him speaking and acting towards you and the way you speak of him.. it doesn't speak of love and comitment.. it's all conflict and upper hands and gaslighting.  My husband tells me literally every day how much he loves me and is thankful we are together.. how proud of me he is etc...   I know exactly where I stand in his priority chain.. and it's pretty much at the top of the list.  Not saying he has never done or said things to make me mad... or hasn't disney dadded a few times... but his feelings for me are never in question.  I don't get that feeling from your description of your life in your home.. it seems chaotic and conflict ridden... and I couldn't live that way.

Maxwell09's picture

He probably has a complex about you paying most of the bills. He knows he is inferior and now that you are telling him that he isn't up to your standards (fathering his children, participating in household mantenance) he is gas lighting you in return to doubt your own worth in comparison to him. Don't let him drag you down. Confront him. Sit down with him and tell him that you know things aren't going well for him business wise and it's bothering him BUT he doesn't get to take that out on you. He needs to recognize that when you are asking him for help it's not becuase you think you are superior than him but because you actually just need his help. And maybe you could reconsider how you ask him to do things. It seems like his male pride is a little dinged up, so you can throw in there some rephrasing. 

Cover1W's picture

Been there.  DH thinks I am a clean freak, but I'm really not.  I just want people to take responsibility for their stuff; I'm not a maid or laundress.  I wrote a blog recently about this and I really, really cut back.  I don't say anything any longer and I really cut back on the cleaning up.  Yes, the living room gets gross.  But I just shove everything over to DH's area and let him deal with it.  His side of the closet starts falling into my way?  I don't pick it up, I shove it over.  I haven't totally stopped doing his laundry, but I don't retrieve clothes for him any longer - they aren't in the laundry basket, then they don't get washed.  It's been better for both of us.  In fact, I even left a hairball one of the cats threw up on the floor - he told me about it, I shrugged and said, "I'm going to bed."  (ew it was hard but I've picked up soooooo much disgusting old food from all over the house and kitchen floor I'm not doing it - he knows where the paper towels are).  Then in the morning, he stepped on it and ranted and raved...huh.  "DH, I'll clean up up, sure thing. It's gross stepping on things first thing in the morning isn't it?  See how I pick it up?  Easy."  I don't care if I was b!tchy one bit.  He got the point.

As for the expenses - I had the SDs on my insurance and now they aren't I warned DH that at open enrollment they were off my plan, I'm not the parent, I don't want to get reimbursed from him and BM - needing constant monthly reminders from me to pay me the h*ll back now.  If DH chooses to have less income for a time (he's employed via contract jobs and can pick and choose) then that's on him.  I pay for more, it's written on a separate ledger and he pays me back.  A couple hundred here and there is ok, but he got up to over $2K and that was too much for me...I need to pay off my debt too and that was not fair.  He just doesn't plan.

You need to lay off, and at the same time have a hard line, explained firmly.

tankh21's picture

So if I come home to a dirty house like I do every day when I get off of work just not say anthing to any of them?

ESMOD's picture

Carve out a space where you can go to that is offlimits.  Every time something is left in your area.. throw it away.  I don't care if it's a game.. or their favorite shoes.. trash them. 

As far as the rest of the home.. put your blinders on.. repeat.. not my mess.. not cleaning it.  Your DH may even get to a point where he blows up at YOU over the pig sty.. but you will point out that everything is 100% him and his kids doing.. and you are not their maid.  No doing laundry for anyone but yourself.  If you find people have left their laundry languishing in the dryer or washer it gets dumped in a hamper... then do yours.. wash dry fold and then put theirs back where you found it.  I would do zero for anyone but myself.. shoot... even to the point of eating all your meals away from the home and not grocery shopping.

Cover1W's picture

Yes, this too.  I have (had, but SD14 was the worst and don't have this issue any longer really) a rule that anything left in the living room/dining area more than 24 hours then that person must either not care about it or think I'm a maid.  So it goes away.  Literally.  I have donated a lot of clothing, shoes, kitchen items; thrown away books, dirty socks, birthday cards, game pieces, notebooks etc. And NOT ONCE has someone asked "Where is my...x x x?" 

SD12 caught onto this quickly and keeps things pretty well cleaned up.  And DH is better, esp. now that I've stopped doing it, like he asked me to.

I also hired a housecleaner once a month. And it's totally worth it for my time I have back (four HOURS) a month! I pay for it since she only does the living area, kitchen and our master bedroom/bath.  DH is required to clean up all his stuff before she comes.

Cover1W's picture

Correct!  Don't say one word.

If the kitchen is unusable, make yourself cheese and crackers for dinner, or go out by yourself.  (done it)

Walk right on by OR if you must, move the pile away from your area.  (done it)

It may get worse.  Your DH may start blaming you for being uninvolved, but just make sure you pick up your stuff and point out, nicely, that you have been cleaning up after yourself and if he wants the house cleaner he can help out and make his kids help too.  It's part of being an adult in the household and making sure kids understand how to live with other people. After all, they will eventually move out on their own, right?

Cover1W's picture

I do want to add that you don't have to do it all 100% disengagement right away.  I did it bit by bit, slowly.  First I stopped doing the SDs laundry after showing them how and posting directions to the washer/dryer in the laundry room.

Then I stopped cleaning their bathroom.

Then I stopped grocery shopping for everyone all the time.

I usually warned DH first (without using the term "disengagement") and set a time limit.  "If you cannot teach your kids to do their own laundry w/in 30 days I will then teach them myself and it's on them to do it moving forward."


"If that bathroom isn't clean by x date, I'm not touching it.  It is so dirty and gross i won't go in there.  I will hire someone to clean it once a month, and you will pay for it since it's not my responsibility as we agreed when we moved into this house." 

And then you follow through.