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sydney99's Blog

statute of limitation on child support??

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My husband's daughter is now 19. Child support has ended and he was current with support from his full time job. He paid way more than the original divorce decree, as he increased his support yearly, adjusting to his raises. (The original decree was from almost 18 years ago). His ex has never taken him back to court for adjusted child support. However, he did have a small side job that his ex wife didn't know about. It didn't make a lot of money overall. Question - If ex found out about the side job, how long would she have to take him back to court for a possible percentage of that?

What is an acceptable GPA for skid??

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BM is taking us to court for college expenses. SD will be a freshman and her high school GPA was very low, so she wasn't able to get into any other college except community college. My DH and I are in the process of negotiations about who will pay for what etc. etc. One of the stipulations we have is that SD maintain a GPA of 3.0. BM said no, that was way to high for a freshman (SD is only taking 15 hours and doesn't even have a job). We brought it down to 2.5 (meeting in the middle) and she is sticking to a 2.0.

health and life insurance

sydney99's picture

My SD is now 18 1/2 and is entering college in the fall. The original divorce decree never said my DH should have to pay for health or life insurance - it only said the split for health insurance would be a 70/30 split. Now that SD is past 18, the decree is over and done unless we go back to court. We have always had SD on our family health plan, but BM always used her new husband's health insurance and ours as a back up b/w marriages. She has never carried life insurance and she's never asked us if we had it either.