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SW2613's picture

We found out yesterday that BM is 8wks along. Another poor child will be brought into this world with a shitty mom. Very sad. We hae mixed emotions about it. The way she is, this will most likely make her forget about SS. We went to court yesterday(it was a nightmare that I will blog about when I have the time), she told dh that she wants to settle and will agree to anything to do so. I don't want this to make SS develop an attachment to her as he so badly wants us to have a baby. This will make Bm's druggy violent bf be more of a permanent figure now.

Any of you had experiences with this? Did it help or hurt things?

When I do get around to blogging about court, y'all will all die when you read it. Biggest nightmare yesterday.


Madam Hedgehog's picture

I don't have any experience with this, but I have mixed feelings about the idea of BM getting pregnant as well.

The instant she had ss2, she forgot about ss5 (who had been the son of God until that moment).

I think that as soon as ss2 starts talking more, she will mostly likely have another baby because he will start verbally rejecting her and her bizarro behaviors.

I am sad for your SS that this means BM's crazy boyfriend is going to be a semi-permanent fixture, though. However, maybe in the future that will play into you and your DH getting custody, which would probably be what's best for him if she's reproducing with violent drug users.