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BM's B.S. Text

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BM cancelled her visit yesterday under the guise that she wanted us to be able to do something with him. She frequently cancels, so this was a bullshit excuse. She also asked that we not use it against her in court. Dh told her 2 weeks ago that she can call SS whenever she wants instead of just the Tuesday and Thursday she's allowed. She has never called except for those days. In fact, after seeing him for 5 hrs Thanksgiving day, she didn't even call him that night. She never made an attempt to even talk to him yesterday since she cancelled the visit.

At 7:38 p.m. (central time), she texted Dh asking how "my little man is doing." **gag** We are watching the Saint's game and it's bullshit, so dh didn't respond. At 7:41 p.m., she texts back "well I guess you're not going to text back so tell him I love him dearly and miss him." **big huge gag** Needless to say, we didn't tell SS the bullshit she texted as we don't like to lie to him. She will get to talk to him tomorrow and can tell him that bullshit then during her usual 30-60 second phone calls. If she loved and missed him, she would have seen him yesterday. If she loved and missed him, she would have at least called him yesterday to make up for not picking him up. If she loved and missed him, her calls wouldn't always be so disgusting short. It is like she does it just to be able to show the court her phone records that she did call and not because she wants to hear his voice. In fact, if he ever does try to tell her something that happened at school or something, she cuts him off. She just simply doesn't care and it's all an act. SS was well behaved and happy all weekend since he didn't have to see her. Our house was nice and peaceful. Now with just one text, my anxiety is up and I have a butterfly sick feeling in my stomach. Ugh! Why can't she just fall off the face of the earth and just leave us to be happy and content. SS doesn't feel like he's missing anything without her as he only views us as his family and me as his one true mom. If she didn't have such a negative impact on every aspect of his life and personality, I wouldn't care if she was involved. She's just a toxic person and the whole world would be a better place without her.