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SW1403's Blog

Advice - moving to a new town?

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We have SD10 living with us full time, because her mom was in prison for a while, and we actually just moved 1000 miles away from where BM lives about 2 years ago. SD has adjusted to living here, but has a really tough time each time she comes home from visiting BM each summer, because I don't think she really understands why she can't live with her mom. It will come with time, but its a really rough transition each time. She bounces back fairly quickly - a week or two after she gets back she's happy and having a good time again.

How to remove attachment to things?

SW1403's picture

I am so frustrated! SD10 came home on Saturday from spending the summer with her mother. It has been hell trying to get her to calm down from being angry, crying, and even throwing full out hysterical fits about how she doesn't want to live with us. Living with us is the best option for her because her mother is only a year and a few months out of prison for drug convictions. Her mother lives 1000 miles away so visitation is just on school holidays.

Happy Little Fairy World where I have to have BM over for a BBQ?!?

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So...I posted earlier this week about my SD's awful BM who went to prison for drug charges and my husband got custody and BM basically made SD feel like she had sacrificed her own happiness so that mommy could afford to pay the lawyer to help her out of prison, not pay for a lawyer to fight for custody (resisting the urge to dive into JUST how angry that makes me again).

Heartbreaking discovery in Family Therapy

SW1403's picture

Well, I'm new to this site but I felt there should be somewhere I come to let these things out. My SD is 10 and my husband got full custody of her 2 years ago when her mother was sent to prison for drug related charges. Since then it has been a struggle to adjust from being a single girl to a married full time mom. SD was 8 when she came to live with us full time. Since then, we have relocated with SD to another state because my career dictated the move, and at the time I was making significantly more money than my husband.