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Letter to SD11 (long)

SW1403's picture

Dear SD11,

In the last month alone, to make you feel special in both BIG and small ways, Daddy and I have:
- Paid hundreds of dollars for you to fly home and spend an extra weekend with your Mom, and spent 8+ hours making sure you get to the airport and get there on time/picked up on time
- offered to let you invite friends over on the weekends
- Made sure you had cupcakes to bring in to school for your birthday celebration
- Bought you nice birthday presents
- Took you out for a nice meal on your birthday
- took you to get Frosty’s at Wendy’s on the way home from the Boys & Girls Club at least once a week
- Brought you a balloon when I picked you up on your birthday
- Put together a birthday party, organized games, treats, etc for you and your friends all night long.
- Took you to a nice hibachi dinner when it was possible because we didn’t get to go on your birthday.
- Ordered your yearbook
- Came to cheer you on at your cheerleading exposition
- Brought ribs home for dinner on Friday to cheer you up because the show you were supposed to go to with your Grandma was cancelled.
- Let you go to a birthday party and sleepover with your friends this past weekend.
- Made sure to put aside time to read Harry Potter together, just the three of us
- Spent the evening at the pet store because you wanted to go and look for things for your Guinea Pig. We knew you were upset the store had been closed the night before.
- Relaxed the rules to allow you to bring a Betta fish home (that was the only fish in question when you originally asked, let us remind you)

In response to most or all of these things listed, you have consistently reacted by being rude, pouty, and acted as though nothing we could ever do will be enough to satisfy your spoiled little life. For the record, bringing home a Betta fish does NOT automatically upgrade to a full tropical saltwater fishtank just because you decided that is what you would now like instead now that you have an ok to get a fish.

When you find yourself inclined to be a selfish ungrateful brat in the future, perhaps it would help you to write down a list of things that you DO have and HAVE gotten in the past few weeks to put your hissy fit (over the one thing you weren’t allowed to have) into perspective. If you want to act like a baby, you will be treated like one going forward as far as we’re concerned. Anytime you act in this completely unacceptable way in future, all nice things that are currently on the agenda in the near future will immediately be cancelled, including but not limited to: pet adoptions, pedicures, trips out to stores/movies/restaurants, friend’s birthday parties, sleepovers, playdates, etc. There will be no warnings or reminders if you begin to behave that way again, and there will probably be other consequences as well (like losing your kindle, phone, tablet, computer, etc.)

Your behavior is extremely hurtful, disrespectful, and unacceptable. We cannot allow it to continue.

We love you.

Daddy & Stepmom


love_my_shichi's picture

Wow you have done ALOT. Sounds like the more you do the more she will expect. If shes anything like the skids I know- you are barking up the wrong tree. She thinks its play time now. Getting her behind kissed like that.

SW1403's picture

Well at least I'm not alone! But seriously, the only reason I do these things for her is because I want her to feel like I treat her like my own, and my mother always did special things for me. This behavior just started about 3 months ago (about the same time she came back from visiting her mother from Christmas and about the same time I found out I'm pregnant with my first, so I'm not sure which catalyst is to blame). From the ages of your stepmonsters, it sounds like this is just the beginning of the wonderful teenage years to come! I miss when she used to love to go and do things with me...


Hope you're all hanging in there too...

jojo68's picture

Ditto on SD13...the other day we went to eat Chinese food and everything that came from her mouth was negative. She said th food was nasty or weird...the fork she got had bent tines and she had a complete meltdown over it....just a typical outing actually. She is taken to get mcDonalds at least 7-8 times a week (breakfast and dinner) because she says that the food we have for dinner is nasty. She gets money on a daily basis...candy whenever she asks...snacks, toys or games at Walmart or the Dollar store (or any store actually)everytime she goes...and has no respect or appreciation for any of it.

love_my_shichi's picture

The problem here is- for a divorcing and guilty disney dad- that is just "business as usual'. These kids grow accustomed to the guilty daddy syndrome..and when the wallet finally thins out or the man grows a pair, or meets a woman to partner with that sees this behavior is eventually going to end in unrealistic expectations, "DADDDEEEEEE........nooo,,, I don't want to. WHERE IS MY xyz for just eating my breakfast".I won't do this unless you buy me XYZ". Before too long, the kid is ENTITLED.

...........and it never ends. They will whine until DisDad coughs up.

love_my_shichi's picture

And I do not think threats are in their vocabulary. So nice job on the letter, but to an entitled brat- YOU ARE SPEAKING IN SWAHILI.

SW1403's picture

Fortunately it is not her father who gives her everything she wants. Its the other side of the family, which means we have no control over it. She points, she gets. But she lives with us full time, and has for the past 4 years. She has learned the meaning of the word "no" while living with us, and has always been a great kid, very respectful. This behavior is new to her. I think it has something to do with hormones, because 11 year old girls are swimming with them. It seems as though she's waged this personal war to try her best to be miserable living with us no matter what we do because she's decided she'd rather live with her mom (not an option - drug addict ex-con who is always surrounded by fellow ex-cons). Her mom is out of prison now so she doesn't understand why she can't live there and we can't explain it without making her look like a bad guy (which we've been instructed not to do by a not really age appropriate anyway). Its a tough situation, but her father is not one to back down and let her walk all over him. He's had enough too. There's only so many allowances you make for a kid who is sad because she misses her mom.

When did we all get into these ridiculously complicated situations???

love_my_shichi's picture

I hope for your sake, you are right. I have heard the, "she will commit suicide if we do not buy her XYZ". Come to find out that is daddys last resort on why he "has to" buy her something OVER THE TOP radiculous, unnecessary, and just done to PACIFY HER.

I hope that you are right, truly. 11 is NOTHING. The toys get more expensive, the excuses more pathetic.

blending2012's picture

I LOVE your idea of having SD make a list of the things she DOES have and the nice things that have been done for her. I think I am going to steal this for my skids AND my bios. It is typically my oldest and DH's oldest who are frequently complaining that "it's not fairrrrrrr... other kids get XYZ".

The next time one of them asks for something that's reasonable (a candy vs. an ipad) I'll say, "I'll tell you what, why don't you make a list of 3 things that you get to do because you are the oldest that your younger siblings don't get to do, or 3 things that have recently been done for you and then I'll consider buying that for you".

Thanks for the great idea!!

SW1403's picture

You're welcome! Sometimes kids need to be reminded of just how lucky they are to have what they have. My mom always used to make us play the "glad" game from Pollyanna - where you all say something that you have to be glad about. Kinda lame, but it was a great positive attitude, especially the kids are so grumpy about something so minuscule!

dallas_girl's picture

I think the time has come to do less for her and make her do chores around the house. Not to be the evil stepmother, but to prevent this entitled young lady from growing up to be an asshole of an adult.

SW1403's picture

Oh, trust me, I make her do chores. Every Saturday morning she has her list to do while I do mine (Dad is at work), and its never without complaint, but she gets it done. She never had to do any when she lived with her mom, so it took some training to get her to realize its part of her responsibility. I still meet parents who say they don't believe in making their kids do chores, and I can't understand it. How are they ever going to learn to live on their own if they can't do anything for themselves?? Isn't it our job to kick them out of the nest so they'll learn to fly??

unwillingparticipant's picture

"the only reason I do these things for her is because I want her to feel like I treat her like my own, and my mother always did special things for me"

Treating her like your own will only get you shit on - been there. Done that. Disengage now - you'll NEVER get the recognition you deserve from this girl. I learned VERY early on that ss11 will take, take, take, take and never give back so I dont waste my time anymore. He lives with DH and I so it absolutely suxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that he's here all the f'ing time! He is my roommate. He will be my roommate until he's 18; nothing more.

SW1403's picture

I appreciate your support, but honestly I can't believe that disengaging is really the right answer for me here. Like I said, this behavior is new to her and actually most BM's I'm friends with say "Yeah, she's 11...only more of that to come I'm afraid!" I've put 4 years into working on this relationship with her and being a mom to her when her mom couldn't pull it together, and I can't believe that I've put in all this hard work to develop this relationship just to disengage and give up. If that were the case, I'd just support the idea of her going to live with her mom and say "to hell with her, who cares if she becomes a drug addict?" The fact is that I do care what happens to her and her future, and I couldn't put her back in that situation knowing that her future was more than likely doomed.

I know its something we have to work through as a family, and even if she is a PITA, she is my family and needs me and her father to be there for her. Our counselor warned us that "its always easy to hate the safe parents," which meant that because we're the ones that are always there for her, we had this coming eventually, because she has so much anger about her situation not being able to live with her mom. Most kids go through these devilish phases, and I think with the right application of discipline, we'll get through this.

My sister in law put it this way to me yesterday, that when her daughters (she had 4, two of them twins) went through this phase she would say to them "Listen, you're only job in this conversation is to be a nice person, and if you can't do that, you go to your room and think about it and I'll be happy to talk to you when you decide to be a nice person." It seems a little patience will go a long way, as long as I figure out how to address it correctly.

Don't get me wrong, I do not blame any of you who decide to disengage and am not saying its the wrong decision for you or anyone else, I just feel like we're all in very unique and complicated situations and we have to make the right decisions for our own relationships. I do temporarily disengage when I need a break from the stress of it all, but I want her to know that she always has a parent in me that she can turn to if she needs to and can count on to always be there, unlike her mother has been able to do so far. I'm due with my first child in September, and I'd be crazy to think that there won't be trying times and really difficult situations with my own kid, and of course I will need to be united with my husband when dealing with parenting decisions there too. I guess I'm both lucky and unlucky that he considers me an equal teammate in parenting his daughter, because it is both rewarding and stressful.

Anyway, again thanks for the support and advice from all of you. For the record, I didn't actually give her this letter, it was one of those "let your feelings out" letters. Sometimes you just need to write a letter!


Wishing you all stress and drama free days with both skids and BM/BD's!