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my 30th, chicago and skipping the BULLSHIT WOOOOOOT woooooot!!!!'s picture

I had to share with you all- I'm feeling f'in FABULOUS today!!!!!

Sunday is my 30th birthday- So far FDH's stepson's daughter (so step-step grand skid?? :? ) is having a birthday party on MY birthday with bm's entire family, My sister planned a last min baptism for my 1 year old nephew on MY birthday (look, I know the world doesn't stop for MY birthday- my sister and I don't get a long too well and I think she did this intentionally and she went ahead and lectured me on how there's more important things in life besides MY birthday and getting wasted the night before and how I better not show up hungover to church bc thats just rude..etc)

These are both events in which I would have to make an appearance and my day would be full of people I don't want to see or talk to. Also, BM's grandfather passed away and the services are Friday ........and guess what????

I'm going to Chicago for a long weekend!!!! Thats right baby! FDH and I are out of here and skipping ALL this awkward crap!!!!

Finally, I'm getting away and it's going to be the best weekend EVER

oh, and FDH won't tell skids he's leaving town and they think he's going to everything, he said he's not telling anyone till we leave :?

Wooo hoooooo's picture

YES!!! See, my catholic family is guilt ridden and lays it on thick so I'm feeling quite liberated as I wanna stick up my middle finger and say peace out b****es!!!!!! }:)

And nothing like chapping the ass of BM and skids as we make no appearance and they just KNOW we are having the time of our lives!!!!!

It feels so GOOD to have something to look forward too! Haven't felt this good in a long time! lol

Thank you!

sixteensmom's picture

LOVE THIS! We'rve been running away from all things family drama related for a couple years and it feels so good!

Onefootout's picture

Yay for you! I would do the same, especially with your sister. Can't believe she insulted you like that and still expected you to show up. I'm grateful for my sisters. We can have little spats, but nothing like that.'s picture

She's just an unhappy bitch. She's jealous because I have fun and try to enjoy my life and have/ make opportunities to do things she doesn't do. She said I don't have to come if I 'm upset she planned the baptism on my birthday, I said OK! }:)

Feeling GREAT today!!!