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BM is in one of her moods...right on time!

Stressed Out Mom's picture

Ok so I say BM has a consistent schedual for her blow ups. Last night she called us bitching about a stupid Christmas tree. She saw that we put it up and all of the sudden she claims its hers. We had it up last holiday too and she did not say a word. My boyfriend bought the dam tree. But for some reason she thinks everything is hers. We paid for her storage for over a year and right now he is at the storage unit to have it transfered to her name. I know thats not gona happen. So here I am waiting for him to come home to hear about what a bitch she probably acted like.Lately when she is making our life difficult I just want to run. I want to leave and go somewhere I can think. Its been over a year Ive been dealing with this drama and Im mentally exhausted from it.


giveitago's picture

Bad news is that it will last a while longer, sorry 'n' all.
Giving her the time of day in your mind is more than she deserves, really.
The best thing to do is NOT react, or be all sweetness and light if you have to comment.
How about looking up some eloquent insults that will give you great amusement and go right over her head...whhhhoooooooooooshh.

I like this one; "Her only flair is in her nostrils." - Pauline Kael
I think that sums BM's up nicely!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Why is he transferring the storage into het name? If she has belongings in it, why has he been paying for it for over a yr and why did he have his belongings in it with hers? It would upset me if my DH had a storage with BM and if he was paying for it for so long. I feel there is no need to share anything with BM once the divorce is final, esp if there is a new woman in your life. All ties should be cut except those that are directly about the children.