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Just be honest...

EvilAngel's picture

You can call me a bitch and say I am being mean. You can say I know NOTHING about art...I don't claim to. But this is the original cartoon that Thunderfoot has drawn. She usually draws the Invader Zim shit...but this is hers. She wants to be a cartoonist and I just don't think she has what it takes at this point. She has some program downloaded on the computer she messes with. I don't really know what it is because I don't really care. But anyway...tell me what you ladies think. You won't hurt my feelings...

Just so everyone knows...Thundefoot is 16 years old and her dad and gparents think her drawings (doodles is what I call them) are AMAZING!


Sports Fan's picture

I spent the weekend at a comicon with my teenage son. This was a trip just for him so I spent about 10 hours just looking at all the displays and talking to the people. From what I saw there, her drawing is quite crude. There were about 50 independent artists that are just starting out. About half were illustrators/cartoonists. Most of their work was more detailed and intricate. I don't know anything about are either just commenting on what I saw.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ok I know nothing about art.... so my opinion is probably invalid, but I think that's pretty good. Way better than any stick figure I could conjure up! Wink

EvilAngel's picture

I can draw a little. I am by no means an artist but I am pretty sure I could draw that. I don't think it's horrible but I don't think it's anything to base a career off of. It isn't THAT good. That's just my opinion though. It also frustrates me that she draws in class when she should be paying attention and her grades are plummeting!

Disneyfan's picture

I think it's good. I wouldn't use one piece to judge talent or future potential.

EvilAngel's picture

I posted another one somewhere that she draws. But that's the one she copies. I just think she needs to get her head out of the clouds and realize she should buckle down on her REAL studies. Hobbies are fine but let's take care of what we need to graduate first.

EvilAngel's picture

Good point. I edited the post.

I have a friend (she's also my tattoo artist) that graduated from VA Tech. Now she does make a living being an artist but her work is AMAZING!

As soon as her lazy ass gets her license...she's getting a job and I can guarantee it will be more along the lines of asking, "Would you like fries with that?"

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

dOES anyone make money as an artist? It's like actors. Maybe .02 of actors can get paid to act. The rest have to be waiters . Thunderfoot isnt going to be able to work for Disney tha's for sure.

No I don't think she's talented.

EvilAngel's picture

My ex SD could have been a model. She had the looks, the height AND the shitty attitude! She was a REAL pleasure to be around. The skids now...yeah...modeling isn't in their future...neither is being an artist!

I just checking her grades on the parent portal. (DH called and got the information and gave it to me. How sweet 3 weeks after the fact.) She failing Geometry and by failing I mean 53. But NOOOOO she doesn't need to study. Drawing that stupid shit is WAY more important. Show me a B and I might have something nice to say....

EvilAngel's picture

I am super pissed about it! She turns in her homework but I think she has homeroom to complete that in. But she NEVER studies at home. Hell she never does anything but stay on Xbox and the cell phone. When we got her grades a little over 3 weeks ago...she was grounded. Well not what I consider grounded, her phone was taken away from her. I gave it back to her after Spring Break was over and told her if she was still having trouble in her math class to LET US KNOW so that we could help her or get her tutoring. Of course she hasn't mentioned it. I guess it's time to take the phone away again.

WTF...REALLY's picture

If you guys have the funds, get her a math tutor. Its not up to her if she gets one or not.

As to the art, show her some epic summer art class she could take IF she gets her grades up. Give her some incentive to look forward too.

And take away the Xbox till summer.

EvilAngel's picture

I think phone and Xbox should be taken. And as much as I hate to say it, she wouldn't be interesting in an art class during the summer. That's too much like work.

EvilAngel's picture

Her argument is this, "well how come people that are good at math and science don't have to be good at art or singing?" Seriously kid?

tiny kitten's picture

For a hobby, it's cute. But it needs work, especially the colouring. The colouring looks messy to me.
Disclaimer: I have no artistic talent. But my sister does.

EvilAngel's picture

I told DH she was not ever going to make it as an artist copying other people's work. So THIS is what she came up with. He encourages her to be more original but I don't think it's sinking in. I think he needs to encourage her to put forth more effort in her grades and a different career path.

AllySkoo's picture

I think she's got some talent. Not enough to get famous, but probably enough to feed herself if she works her ass off.

You've told DH she's not couch surfing with you once she graduates, right? I'd just keep making that crystal clear!

EvilAngel's picture

I have made it perfectly clear that once she graduates HS...she is GONE! I am not raising an adult child and I am not having her lazy ass lay around my house all day. We plan on moving to Florida in about 5 or so months. She will be in her junior year by the time we make the move. She will have to stay here with her gparents while we find a place to live and check out the schools. I am hoping she will just stay with them. Yes I know that is a bitchy thing to say but that's my ideal situation.

DarkStar's picture

It's cute, but not professional. Too bad her grades suck, art classes could really help her improve.

EvilAngel's picture

I might even be inclined to suggest art classes if she even CARED about her other grades. But she doesn't....which means she will more than likely fail that class and have to retake it next year.

Redredwine's picture

Just for reference, this is something my DS, 14, did as a hobby. I don't think he's planning on using it for a career.

Please let me know if the link doesn't work.

Oh, and that's a pencil drawing and he got the "white" by using his eraser.

EvilAngel's picture

THAT is what I consider art. He did a great job on that! I would be apt to encourage her if she could do something more like that. And I understand that type of art isn't her type but I still think what your son did is on a totally different level than what she is doing.