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Here we go again…got another text message from BM last night.

Preface: SD5 has a homework packet each week which she must work on each night and return to school on Friday. Typically it’s a couple nursery rhymes which she has to recite and then pick out her sight words (she is in Kindergarten). Each night whoever helps her with this writes down the name of the “story”, what time we worked on it and comments regarding her strengths or weaknesses. No signature is required.

Last minute backstab...

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So, SD’s girl scout meeting was canceled last Monday. BM told us last night that they had a make-up meeting tonight – last minute!!! Imagine that! We had already planned on going out to eat and shopping tonight. So DH told BM that we already had plans and he would think about it and let her know what we decided to do. When DH picked up SD5 today from school she said “Guess what – we get to go tour the police dept. tonight for GS”.

Home Living...

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OK, yesterday was my clothes complaint. Today is my living arrangements complaint. Now before I go any further I know there is nothing I can do about this...I'm just interested in what others think of this situation.

BM still lives in the same house that she and DH bought together. She is remarried and new H's kids live there now. He has 3 kids, she has 2 and they just had one together - 6 kids.

I'm no fashionista but...

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I don't want to sound petty, I really don't, but I have to let this out.
BM NEVER buys new clothes for SD's. Everything the SD's wear from her house is a hand-me-down. Now, I don't mind hand-me-down's. In fact, SD5 wears a lot of SD6's old clothes. However, these hmd's are not worn, stained or too small.

Update on the "Big Girl Bra"

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When I got home from work yesterday, I explained to my SD6 that she is too young to be wearing a padded bra, if she wanted to wear a half undershirt that is fine, but NO padded bras – at least not at my house. BM came to pick up the SD last night. Not 20 minutes after she left I got a text message from BM telling me SD was upset that I told her she can’t wear her “big girl” bra. SO WHAT!!! She is 6! She is not wearing it at my house – end of discussion!

The things these BM's do...

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SD6 came home this morning wearing a padded bra! SHE IS 6!!! She is so excited about this, but I am livid! Who buys their 6yo a bra? About 6 or so months ago SD6 asked me to buy her a bra...I didn't feel comfortable doing this (because of her age) so DH and I decided to buy her some "undershirts" (they look like bras but are not). She was very pleased with these and they did the trick. BM decided to get her a "big girl bra" and now she is wearing a real bra!?!?!?! How do I explain to her she is too young? HELP!!!

Parent Signatures

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Recently BM sent DH an email and a text message regarding me signing SD6 homework. DH ignored the first email and (because we have been through a lot with BM) broke down after the text message. I took it upon myself to call BM and ask her why it is so important that I NOT sign homework. Her answer: I don’t know why it bothers me so much. We had a conversation for about an hour. I got off the phone thinking we had resolved this issue…that as long as it wasn’t permission slips for field trips or medical records it was not big deal for me to sign. So, I continued signing.