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unreasonable bounderies?

sterlingsilver's picture

I am trying so hard to set firm bounderies but this whole situation is bazaar and out of my control - I feel. We had to kick my ss18 out of our house about 3 months ago b/c he was not following our rules at all. I think I've explained before, but in short he was smoking spice cigars, chew/spitting all over, peeing into bottles and stashing them, using and losing a lot of my kitchen dishes and pots and cutlery, stashing uneaten food until it got moldy and was stinking up our house, never using a garbage can and throwing trash all over the house and yard, and the list goes on and on, in short he is very vile and discusting to have living in my home.

So he got kicked out of our house b/c I said to SO that either ss18 goes or I go. He moved in with bm's brother into a small 500 sq ft place. Only a month later his uncle kicked him out of there. BM offered to pick him up a couple weeks ago and drop him and his junk off at a shelter. My SO stepped in and we once again took him back in (temporarily) untl SS can get a job and own apartment (this happened last year too that bm kicked him out on a days notice. (I know ss18 has some serious abandonment issues but I cannot take on that guilt as well)

SO took him down to the teen center and ss now has a counselor who is helping him find employment and an apartment.

HOWEVER, he is now living on my livingroom floor and all his junk is back in my house. We wrote up a contract of rules for him to follow and he's doing pretty well with them but he is starting to fall back into his old bad habits of chew/spit, clothes all over, stashing dirty dishes, etc...

Yesterday I found a pee bottle under the bathroom sink and dirty (poopy) underwear laying on the floor beside the toilet and all my new bottle of ranch dressing and milk gone and cheese I'd bought for lasagna gone. I called SO and said ss18 has until MAY 1st to get a job and move out.

But here's the problem I am having with these bounderies and setting the move out date etc, my SO says he is doing the best he can to get ss on his feet and he is trying to keep ss with him most of the time and ss only here when so is here too, then SO says that if it were one of my kids we'd be doing the same for them and we wouldn't ever let one of the kids sleep in the rain. SO plays the whole guilt card on me but I did not do this to ss18 he did it to himsslf. So why is it my problem????? AHK

My kids don't act like his kid and are much more conforming to normal family life then his kid who was raised the majority of the time by bm who is a drunk and was NEVER home for her boys.

Ok, so here's what I am feeling - guilt. I feel like I should be the bigger person and just let him stay for as long as he likes until he gets his act together. I feel guilty b/c I am setting bounderies that are not reasonable with the situation - like wanting him out by may 1st when in all reality this kid won;t have a job by then and is a senior in high school and trying to finish his schooling and find a job and find a place to live. He even invited me to his graduation cerimony - guilt, guilt, guilt :@

But then I come home from work last night to him sleeping on the couch and then not eating the supper I cooked and acting like a complete BUMM and a totally entitled BRAT :@

Its all eating at me and making me feel extremely resentful and angry. After he moved out we could finally set out nice things like candles and a bowl of fruit knowing he wasn't around to cause a fire or use the apples for bongs. I could finally take the lock off the freezer and set out nice dishes I had to go out and buy for my kitchen after he lost/broke all my original dishes. I could finally buy nice food items for my boys and ss15 and know that it wasn't going to get gobbled up or stashed to rot by ss18. We are now not getting child support for him so his BIG appetite is eating into our small food budget. (he is 300+ lbs and eats as much as the other 3 boys alone).

I just want this kid OUT.


DaizyDuke's picture

Ew... why in the world would he pee in a bottle and put it under the bathroom sink????? Is there something wrong with the toilet? I want to vomit just thinking about this....where did this kid learn all this crude and disgusting behavior???

jeff394's picture

I agree totally. His nasty ass would have been out on a farm somewhere with the rest of the pigs. Doesn't matter if he's my kid or not, it's my house and I'll be damned if anyone is going to leave that crap around.

DASKRA's picture

It sounds like a mental disorder of some sort. I don't know which one but normal 18 year olds don't do those sort of things.

hismineandours's picture

Um, yeah-I would never live with this nonsense. IMO it would be worth it to go rent him a rundown trailer somewhere-pay the first few months rent, change your locks, and never let him back in.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

"SO says that if it were one of my kids we'd be doing the same for them and we wouldn't ever let one of the kids sleep in the rain."

- To SO: No we wouldn't. I'd be making my kid figure out how to help himself.

SO plays the whole guilt card on me but I did not do this to ss18 he did it to himsslf. So why is it my problem?????

-- You let guilt get to you. They can use it as a manipulation all they want, but only you can let it work. Put your foot down.

I always fully expect that once the skid leave and then comes back under the pretense that they will do better, they will not! I repeat, THEY ALWAYS FALL BACK TO THEIR OLD WAYS.

Now you have to undo the move back in.

Hanny's picture

My own daughter and her husband were homeless. They started out living in a van, somewhere along the line someone GAVE them an old motorhome. for 2 years they lived in it, moving from 1 campground to another every other week or few days. She worked full time while doing this (her husband not so much). If I had made it easy and let them live with me, she would have never divorced him and moved on with her life.

sterlingsilver's picture

Ok, I just needed the validation. I know, the first time I found a pee bottle I was so shocked. I remember when my boys were about 5 yrs old they used a can in the back ravine behind our house to poop in and I came unglued about that and they never again used a can.

I have never thought of myself as OCD until my ssons started calling me that. I always keep a very neat and clean house but not to the point of not livable. I like a clean good smelling home. I am a baker by trade and have always liked my kitchen spotless. Uhm since ss18 been living with us there are endless mornings when I get up in the morning for my coffee and the kitchen is a total wreck. When I yell at him he acts like I am insane. He even said that to me a couple times that I am an insane middle aged woman. I yell back he is an insane 18 yr old brat. I know, take the high road but there are times when it feels good to yell, not that it's ever helped me (tongue in cheek).

sterlingsilver's picture

Oh and you guys are zero'd in on the pee bottles but that's the least nasty thing he's done. Once we started smelling an odd smell in the downstairs bathroom and found a bowl of spaghetti under the sink and it was boiling with maggots and flies. It was so sick that even my SO vomited. I have found moldy food under his pillow even and rotten milk bottles half empty in the boat. I could go on and on for about 3 hours writing this crap he's pulled and done. Anyhow, he's moving out soon.

emotionaly beat up's picture

This is not learnt behaviour, he is not a baby he is 18 an adult, and no adult does this sort of thing unless they have mental health issues. I would be looking for a pschyiatrist for this young man before looking for a job for him. Something is wrong here.

sterlingsilver's picture

When ss18 is confronted for this behavior why would he start crying? Remember last season's survivor and Russel's nephew how he'd cry all the time? That is how my ss18 acts. He cries when it suits him getting his way and getting my attention off the real issue.