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Steppy MN2's Blog

How sweet..........and sickening (sorry just have to vent)

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As you all know, my DH and I are getting a divorce. He has made it clear that him, his kids and their feelings, wants etc count and mine don't. So this a.m. I get up and following a prompt by a good friend of mine to look at my DH's facebook page and there it is, big as life.............. a picture posted of my DH asleep on OSD's shoulder (she's 21)and the title is "Sleepy Daddy". Well after all she was his first mini-wife who was replaced by other SD when OSD went to college.

Divorce is imminent

Steppy MN2's picture

So my DH has been threatening me on and off with divorce for a year. Recently we tried some counseling but that hasn't helped so I found a new counselor that I thought could help. Yesterday DH agreed to go. Then this a.m., before I left for work, he tells me "I think I'm going to go thru with the divorce".
I told him go ahead. I am so tired of him trying to manipulate me into doing what he wants me to do. I just can't take it anymore.

About to divorce???????

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My DH and I have not been having much luck making our marriage work. It's always been my contention that he blames me for not being able to replace the nuclear family he lost when he got divorced the first time. He would never admit it but now he is saying that. My kids are grown so I've done the family thing.
I have pretty much disengaged from his kids and in the process disengaged alot from him also because his priorities are his kids.

I understand it's Christmas but.............geez, grow a spine

Steppy MN2's picture

So my DH has had it planned that he will have Christmas with his kids on Christmas Eve for several weeks and he has let everyone know. Every year I have to work Christmas with my kids around his CO schedule and I have done this for years with no acknowledgement or appreciation from him about this. So last night (two days before Christmas Eve) OSS and wife come waltzing in and say that they just can't make Christmas Eve because OSS wife is having family at her parents house (this is one of many of the OSS wife family get-togethers during the season). OSS has known the plan for weeks now.