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Reactions to this?!

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Sorry in advance that this is so long, but I've been writing it in my head for a while now. It's the reason I came across this site, looking for feedback, support, advice, etc.

In November, my husband & I made the difficult decision of not having his former stepdaughter (FSD), who just turned 11 in December, live with us every other week anymore. (For the complete how & why of this arrangement, see my other blog entry.)

For the last year, FSD had pretty much stopped talking to us (she wouldn't even answer simple questions). She acted very distant, ignored anything we told her to do & even told SD8 that she didn't have to do what we asked. She was often extremely rude to not only me, but my family, my husband's family & the daycare provider. She was so-so with my husband, probably because she still viewed him as a parental figure. She fought constantly with SD8, always yelling at her, sometimes for no reason. And she talked about BM CONSTANTLY. That's pretty much the only topic she would talk to us about. And of course, never anything bad, always bragging about how wonderful BM was.

We did our best to deal with this. We tried talking to her, we tried telling BM that there were problems, but nothing made the situation better. What I'm assuming happened was that this was the result of BM & I having it out over the phone a year ago. BM did not like having me point out that what she was doing was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have even attempted to talk to this woman, but she had pushed the limit too far. This was years of built up aggravation, watching this woman use us & put her social life ahead of her kids. So anyway, I think BM told FSD about the conversation because prior to this, FSD & I had gotten along really well. We got along better than SD8 & I did. But afterwards, FSD stopped talking to me & would look at me very differently, like she was trying to see something that wasn't there. It was weird.

And I think as the year went on, BM told both of the kids to keep things from us. I think that FSD was so confused about what she could & couldn't talk about that she just stopped saying anything. Plus, FSD ran interference when SD8 would be about to spill the beans about something. She would talk over her or run into the room & interrupt. This happened often. Both girls did tell me once that "Mommy sometimes gets mad at you.". SD8 started to say more, but FSD talked over her & I didn't hear any of it. And most recently, while SD8 was here without FSD, she almost mentioned something, but stopped herself & said "Never mind.". When I prompted her to say what she was about to say, she told me, "Mommy said that it's none of your business.".

Anyway, in November, after an especially awful week with the kids, my husband got an email from BM. She went on & on about how FSD was feeling left out at our house (?!?!). She also stated again, that she would not be supplying clothes for FSD at our house (in 6 years, she NEVER supplied ANYTHING for FSD). She then tried to lay guilt trips on my husband about treating FSD differently than his own daughter. This sort of treatment from BM, completely taking advantage of us & never appreciating the things we did that went above & beyond, compounded with FSD's behavior made us realize that this was it for us. No more.

Well, of course, BM has done nothing but make this a million times more difficult than it had to be. She's filled the kids's heads with all kinds of nonsense. It's been almost 2 months now & SD8 is ok with what's happening. She's actually been happier than we've seen her in a long time & is learning how to do things on her own (rather than following FSD around constantly). She's perfectly content with being with us without her half-sister. When we've talked to FSD about this, she claims to be fine with it also. Honestly, I think she likes having every other week as a break from SD8. It seems the only one with the problem is BM. She has used several excuses as to why this isn't working. First, we were hurting FSD. Then it wasn't right to keep the girls apart like this. From the beginning we knew why BM would have such a fit over this...because now she's tied down to FSD 24/7. It's putting a strain on her social life.

And it's obvious that that is what the problem is. Now, BM is threatening to take SD8 away from us. She concocted a screwy plan for her to have SD8 every week, with BOTH kids staying with us every other weekend. So, she still has it in her head that we're going to take FSD back. When we discussed things with SD8, she seemed upset by BM's idea. And then she mentioned BM's other idea...things staying the way they are now, but with FSD staying with us every other weekend. So yeah, she obviously just wants to have her weekends back. The funny thing is that our original plan was to have FSD every other weekend at first. But then the way BM was acting towards us & the things she was telling the kids, made us realize that FSD might not even want to spend time with us anymore. And we were angry to once again, feel like mere babysitters.

So this is where we're at right now. BM still won't hear what we have to say. She still thinks that FSD is coming back here. She thinks she's going to take us to court to either take away SD8 or force FSD on us. It's insane. She also has convinced herself that the main reason we don't want FSD anymore is because she's supposedly starting puberty. She went so far as to imply that when SD8 starts puberty we're not going to want her anymore! She told the daycare provider that the reason we don't want FSD anymore is because we're mad at her (BM). She then went on to say that she was afraid that the next time we got mad at her, we'd make her keep SD8, too. Can you believe that?! If you knew this woman, you'd understand our frustration. This type of behavior never ends. She's a piece of work!

Those of you who made it through this post...what do you think? Any ideas, comments, advice?


SM#1's picture

so she can't force her on you. No court is going to make Legal stranges keep a kid on visits!! BM certianly seems like quite a lady! If SD8 is enjoying her time with you then I am sure that she would tell a GAL that as well. I doubt custody would change, BM is just trying to pressure you into babysitting for her. Stick to your guns, if FSD is ruining your family life than she needs to stay home with her BM.

smurfy1smile's picture

I commend your DH for having time with his FSD. He is not required to and did/does because he cares about her. Has anyone ever thought that she may be a bit jealous - dad found someone new, half sis is adjusting well enough - where does that leave her?

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

That was my first thought, that FSD was jealous & didn't know where she fit in. In fact, when we first got married, she asked me what she would be if we were to have kids together. I told her that she could just call them stepbrother or stepsister to make it less confusing, plus, she WAS like a daughter to my husband & a stepdaughter to me. I even told her that she could call me her stepmom if it was less confusing. She did not like that idea, but she still called my husband her stepdad sometimes to make that less confusing. Honestly, I think FSD thought that BM would someday get back together with my husband. She once said something to this effect (before I came along), and my husband told her straight out that that would NEVER happen. So if she was still holding out for that even after that, our marriage probably did upset her. Though if it did, she did a great job of disguising it because she seemed really excited about us getting married. I think she liked the idea of stability since BM goes through boyfriends/girlfriends as often as she changes her underwear. (Though maybe that's not the best example to use, considering the person I'm talking about!)

We did everything to make FSD feel like part of the family, never pointed out the fact that she wasn't actually one of our own. I felt like the outsider; they already were family, you know? Everything we did for SD8, we did for FSD. Like I said in other posts, we supplied EVERYTHING for FSD, just like she was ours. It wasn't until BM got out of control with her demands that I mentioned some of the things we've been supplying for FSD without any assistance from her. This was a conversation between BM & I ONLY, but immediately after this was when FSD's behavior did a 180. So I'm sure FSD somehow overheard BM talking or BM flat out told her. Also, we were really good about not showing the kids our dislike of BM. We did not even mention her around the kids unless it was absolutely necessary. But we NEVER attacked her or talked badly about her around the kids.

brutallyhonest's picture

WOW! Your BM is NUTS. First of all you and DH have no responsibilities as far as FSD is concerned. I read your last post and it seems that FSD has a father that provides child support and summer/holiday visits and is a decent sort of guy. You have ZERO obligations to FSD- not for visits, child support, clothes, anything. If she was a good playmate for SD it might be one thing to have her over occasionally, when convenient for you, but other wise no way. Your concern should be only for SD and from what you have written, she seems to be flourishing during her time away from FSD and BM. The time at your house is meant for SD to bond with you and DH. There is no reason for FSD and your DH or you to bond----you aren't her parents in any shape or form. You are correct in your assessment that FSD spending time at your house is for babysitting purposes only.

I think you and DH need to establish clear boundaries with BM and FSD. It must be some what confusing for FSD to have 2 dads and 3 moms. You and DH should remove yourself from this complicated relationship. BM and FSD's bio-dad will need to figure out their own child custody/visitation arrangements if the current arrangement isn't working out.

I think you'll be setting yourself up for complications, stress and major manipulation if you let FSD back into your home. IMHO you need to terminate anything other than a respectful, yet casual relationship with FSD.

SM#1's picture

That make me think. Maybe BM wants you to keep FSD all the time becuz she gets away from her but still gets the full CS from the FSD BioDad? I know the only reason my SD9 wants so much time with her is becuz she does not want the CS to go down, otherwise we would have her a lot more (not that I want that). I bet if you just keep FSD for an afternoon here or there at your convience that FSD will spend more time with her BioDad and may do better with that.

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

You pretty much summed up everything I've been feeling on this situation! It's nice to hear someone who's not connected to the situation have the same view.

After all the nonsense we've been put through, my husband FINALLY said that his main concern is how HIS daughter is handling all of this. And she is flourishing. Though not according to BM. She keeps saying how depressed both girls are. Maybe that's because BM is making everyone - including the kids - feel like complete crap. She's made a difficult situation about a million times worse. Also, is was hard to bond with SD8 with FSD around. Anytime I had some minutes alone with SD8 & she would talk about school, friends, etc., FSD would come in & interrupt, changing the conversation to BM. Which does really sound like jealousy. Both from FSD because I was talking to SD8 & not her, but also from BM, who I KNOW did not want me to bond with "her girls". So I'm sure she put FSD up to being a wedge anytime that happened.

We've been trying to establish clearer boundaries with BM for the last couple of years, and with FSD recently. I think the only way it's going to happen is for us to go to court & have something legal done in writing. BM is either clueless or just being a nuisance (or both), because the things she's done to us are ridiculous. It took years for her to realize that we were no longer baby-sitting for her anymore or switching the schedule around. She would call or email just to try, though. When she finally seemed to understand that, she started doing other petty things. She would call several times during the weeks we didn't have the kids for no real reason. (If we let it go to voicemail & not call her back ASAP, she would just keep calling.) The week FSD had chickenpox, BM called us EVERY DAY except one (though some days she called multiple times). Why? To give us an update on how FSD was doing. Why? Did she call FSD's BF to give him a daily update? I doubt it. BM did this because she was pissed FSD got chickenpox on her week with her. Like that was our fault?! I think BM wanted us to feel sorry for her & offer to take FSD because BM had exams at college that week. Oh, well, boo-hoo. My husband & I have JOBS! If the college wouldn't let her postpone any of the exams, then she couldn't find a baby-sitter for what, like 2 hours here & there? Give me a break. I'm sure BM was mad that she couldn't hang out with her friends before/after exams.

Last fall, BM also started a new annoying stunt. She scheduled the kids' dentist appointments on our week with them without consulting us first. She was the one that took them, it's not like she made the appointments & then expected us to take them, at least. BUT of course there were ulterior motives to this. My husband & I wondered why BM scheduled them on our week? She couldn't schedule them the following week when she had them? Or wait until one of the school breaks like we usually do? Well, BM's mother & stepfather had moved up here 3 days before and were surprising the kids. Of course, BM did not tell us about this. And she was also about 40 minutes late dropping off the kids. (Which we knew she would be since she's NEVER on time.)

To make this even worse, the next day BM had scheduled FSD to visit the private-like junior high she would be attending next year (another LONG story!). Why BM scheduled it for this day in particular I still don't know since the very next week there was an actual day for prospective students to come & check out the school. Anyway, my husband had wanted BM to keep FSD after the dentist appointment since BM would be taking her to this school early in the morning, which is a good half hour drive from BM's house. (In other words, he wanted to avoid BM being late in the morning since we both had to get to work early.) BM refused to do this because she was going to a concert, but said that she would pick up FSD from our place at a specific time the next morning. Well, guess what? BM was a no-show. FSD was visibly upset & tried to hold back tears. So my husband went out of his way to drive FSD to elementary school because he thought maybe plans changed. Just after getting there, BM pulled up, FSD's tears suddenly vanished because "there was mommy!" and away BM went with FSD. So my question is, why did BM go right to the elementary school? Did she know that she'd never be at our place on time & figured that my husband would do just what he did? Then later, BM had the nerve to blame this on my husband, saying that the plan was for her to pick-up FSD from the elementary school & FSD got upset for nothing! Unbelievable!

Oh, but the story is not over yet. My husband called me at work to tell me that BM was picking up SD8 from daycare after picking up FSD from her school thing, so I wouldn't have to. I was pissed at my husband for going along with this, because once again, BM was bringing them to see the grandparents. (The reason I have a problem with this is because a) BM never told us about this, b) the kids would spend OUR evenings with them talking about BM & the grandparents, and c) if they're living here now, they can see the kids as much as they want...on BM's weeks! It's just one more evil plan BM cooked up.) So long story short, BM was once again late dropping off the kids at our house. About 30 minutes or so. When she finally showed up, my husband went out to talk to her. He was pissed. So he told her what the problem was, no more scheduling things on our weeks with the kids, that it was rude to be so late & not respect our plans, etc. All the while, BM sat leaning back in her car, wearing ridiculous Paris Hilton sunglasses, looking at him, obvious thinking, "whatever". This woman is 29 years old! Grow the hell up already! She didn't like his "vibe" & drove off.

Then, several weeks later, she did it to us AGAIN. BM scheduled doctor appointments for the girls on our week with them. My husband told her to either change them to her week or that we would reschedule for a different week & take them ourselves. She flat out refused. They went back & forth through email about this for a week. She refused to budge on this. I should have just canceled the appointments myself & ended that nonsense. I really should have. But instead, my husband told her that he would take the girls to their appointments because he did not want to rely on BM to do anything on time again. She wasn't happy, but let him do this. So my husband took time off of work to do this. I wasn't very impressed. There was no reason for this other than BM being a bitch. Also, when I originally called to find out the appointment times, they were for later in the afternoon, so my husband at least wouldn't miss much work. But when my husband smartly called the day before to confirm the times, they were several hours earlier. BM had changed the times & not told us!

After all of this, we will NEVER go along with anything BM schedules on our weeks with SD8 again. Appointments will be canceled or rescheduled. End of story. We definitely need a more rigid custody agreement. BM needs to do things with the kids on her weeks & we'll do things with SD8 on ours. There doesn't need to be any overlapping of lives unless it's an emergency. BM has been told this several times, but doesn't want to hear it. She's so self-centered that it kills her to hear that my husband & I don't want anything to do with her. You are absolutely right, Brutallyhonest, about BM working out things with FSD's BF & not us. That's what my husband told her & I'm sure she was pissed. BM's gotta realize that her free ride with my husband is over. She needs to find another poor sucker to take advantage of!

sparky's picture

Who do these kds belong too? You said they are former stepkds so why are they at your house EOW? Are they your former or his? If they were my former stkds I would stay in touch if they wanted but I would not have them EOW. Who came up with this arrangement and why?

sparky's picture

I went back and read the other part so now I understand. Those 2 kds do not have any blood ties in any way shape or form. Why is your H doing this? Does he want to be a door mat for her for 7 more years? Both of you are being used and abused so put your foot down. I would not hurt the child and make her feel less welcome, but there is another way to do this slowly so they wont even know they are being taken off the tit. Stop being available and accommodating all the time. Just slowly get her out of the practice of coming over EOW until she does not come at all. Frankly, I would be laughing my ass off if that hussy was making demands on me.

melis070179's picture

One child is her DH's and the other is his former step-daughter. The 8 yr old is his bio daughter and the older one is BM child she had when he married her.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Razamond's picture

My skids has the social life issue too - only EOW isn't enough for her - she wants her socila life and see the kids when it doesn't interfer. Don't worry about court - what will they do make it an order that your H has sharde c with SD - that would really clear up this FSD mess. Don't let this woman walk on you and H

Really-ImTrying's picture

I would let FSD ask if she wants to come over. If she personally calls you and asks if she can stay the night, then you let her stay one night EOW when she requests it. You'll still have BM manipulate the little girl and make her call to ask, but first it will cut down on the visitation greatly and second, eventually FSD will realize she's being manipulated and put a stop to it herself. Plus, keep in mind she's only 11 and being flat out rejected (whether she deserves it or not) is hard on a kid. PITA though she may be, she's still a little girl.

I'm seeing some confusion in the relationship, but I think the 11yo is BM's child from a previous relationship and that 8yo is a child from BM and your DH. So he is the 8yo's dad but not the 11yo, right?

northernsiren's picture

the only one pushing for this visitation is BM, and I say to hell with her. if SD changes her tune and stops being such an ungrateful little witch and wants to come over, tell her of course she's welcome every other weekend, but on the condition that her unacceptable behavior is left at the door. Consider having both girls sign a family agreement (I just posted ours in my last blog) that outlines acceptable behavior and consequences. Visiting your home for SD is a privilege, not a right, and she is old enough to know the difference. PLUS she has a father she sees for visitation, does your actual SD go with this man too? If not, I don't see why FSD should be part of the package for SD's visits.

Finally, it seems, at least for now, it's better for your actual SD to be away from FSD for a few days. Changing that arrangement would be detrimental to her at this point, and she's got to be the #1 priority.

Our BM just pulled a similar thing with SDstb15. Her grandfather has been very involved in her life since she was little, and often takes her for days out, doing archery, takes her on vacation with him, buys her things, etc. Well, apparently the BM is pissed that he does what he does for SD, and not her BDstb3. It makes no difference to her toddler is a screaming brat with no boundaries and BM has made it abundantly clear that NO ONE, other than her, is allowed to discipline said brat in any way, and since she has never let anyone baby sit or care for this child, the child has no ability to go with anyone else anyway. Nope, SD gets more attention from the grandfather, and it's not fair, so the grandfather is no longer allowed to see or talk to SD!!!!! Oh what a mistake though, this man is PISSED, for him this was the final straw of BM's bad parenting of SD, and now is paying for our lawyer for us to sue BM for custody. She has NO money, and since she's alienated everyone in her family this way, no one will help her....

Oh Karma.....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein