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SMto5's picture

Why do I feel sooooo mad and upset with my DH when he talks to his kids so politely and like a kiss ass. Over the past 9 yrs he kids want nothing to do with him. Make it known that they hate him and me. One daughter put on Twitter "I hate my dad so much, he is the biggest piece of shit" One son put on Facebook that I was a "cunt, dick sucking whore" .....Now that son's birthday was a couple days ago and DH calls "Hi, how is your day, hope your having a Happy Birthday, I love you" THAT JUST MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL!! Then he tells me "I was thinking of sending my son a birthday card" MY SON??!! Your son who tells you, "you aint shit" and "need to man up"??!! DH says I am holding a grudge for too long that FB comment was 3yrs ago. But it still hurts the same! It makes me mad that his children 20,19,17,15,14 have no respect for him! And always from the in-laws "ignore their comments their upset they lost their father." LOST??? Where did he go?? He didn't drop off the earth. It was BM that poisned their minds and kept them away as much as possible. Than wants to complain that he "walked out on her and the kids being selfish only thinking of himself". And the kids will repeat these same things. I have been nice to all of the kids many many times to be pushed away...even after the FB comment about me. I don't want it anymore. But at the same time, I hate that my DH is still trying and gets no results but comments on Twitter and FB saying "Stay the fuck away, they don't want you around" by the BM. DH says it's all BM's doing. But I say they all have cell phones and are hold enough to get ahold of you if they wanted to. I am soooooo done with this situation. I am soo upset with DH for wanting to send "his son" a birthday card. And I don't know why I let it bother me so much. I have hardly spoken to him since that phone call to his son to say "happy birthday". And next month is one of his daughter's birthday, the one who twitteed that he was a "piece of shit"and I don't want him to call her at all!!She doesn't even know that we know about these tweets. I just know that's an other argument to look forward too when I tell him how I feel about him calling her.


SMto5's picture

Thank you StepAside...I always get such good response from you. I know I shouldn't let it bother me what they think of me but it does still sit heavy on my heart. I just want to be "liked". I have deleted my FB and try not to go on Twitter. But it is just so tempting to see what they are saying now about us. I am such a happier person when I don't know anything. I will check out your blog...thanks again Wink