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habsle's picture

SS today did everything right once DH got home. Even ate his dinner, asked for seconds, and raved about it. Why am I supposed to say "Good job." "Thank you" etc. when all I want to do is yell "BULL SHIT" at the top of my lungs? He's grounded and tries to make up for it by acting good to get DH to let him off the hook. Then it's back to the same ol' same ol'. Oh and don't get me started on the $200 cell phone DH wants to get 9 year old SS. Dinner's done so I'm done for the day!


imjustthemaid's picture

Isn't it sickening what little ass kissers they can be. My SD15 is a beast and is so mean to me and my kids. Yells at them, nasty to me, refuses to eat what I cook.

Then DH comes home and its all smiles and ass kissing. Makes me want to puke!

A couple of months ago I took BD3 to visit my parents in another state overnight. My 9 yr old daughter and SD15 had school so they did not come. Usually they are fighting and complaining and SD15 yelling at the 3 yr old and making her cry for no reason.

But I am gone so SD15 was helping him cook dinner and being all sweet. I happen to call while this is going on. I freak out (horrified my parents) and tell him if I ask SD15 to please get me a spoon it practically gets thrown at me if she gets it at all and here they are being nice and helpful and making me look like a complete liar and a psycho that all I do is complain about her.

I was never so mad in my life. Come to find out the real truth: they were both competing to kiss his ass and help make dinner and ended up fighting and food almost went flying Smile I was secretly hoping they would torture him so he can see what I go thru every day of my life. Not fair Sad

imjustthemaid's picture

I agree. I end up looking like the crazy one while she sits there smirking...

Now I have a new strategy. Instead of complaining to him that SD15 won't eat what I cook, blah blah blah I just bring it up in conversation. He will call from work and say how are you, what are the kids doing, etc and I innocently say we ate this for dinner but SD doesnt eat that so she made ramen noodles etc etc and let him get mad about it. Im so sick of being the bad guy.

We own our own business so DH never gets home before 9pm so he really never sees the kids or has to deal with any of it.

Then the other night SD was doing her fake cough AGAIN and I said no, no, no stop trying to get out of whatever and he had the nerve to say I was too hard on her. Ok then you deal with her fake crap for once. And by the way the school nurse called at 9 am this morning to say SD is now faking a knee injury and refused to leave her office without it being wrapped and a note to get out of gym.

If DH wasn't killing himself at work everyday for us it would be a different story but he works so hard to keep this business going and for me to be able to stay home with the kids so I really have to handle everything on the home end.

habsle's picture

I know! DH works from 8 am- 10 pm with a 2 hour break that he gets to come home. So that part makes sense in your post. Also, my SS does the fake cough crap too. I'm sick with a awful cold and cough cough I think I should stay home ends up right after me. GRrR!

lmac's picture

Kids in my household who are "sick" stay in bed all day, with no television. They can read books and they can get up to pee. They eat toast and a banana for breakfast and soup for their lunch and dinner. Hey, if you are sick you need the rest and to take it easy on your tummies. Not going to school also = missing any extracurricular activities for that day.

Meanwhile, the rest of us eat the "sick" kid's favorite foods and make chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

That's how my parents did it, and when I was 7, I was trying to force myself to go to school because I had theatre practice that night, even though I was actually sick and I passed out in the bathtub. ROFL. That is motivation.

habsle's picture

Oh not in this house. He gets to play on is IPad! 9 years old with an IPad. My cell phone just got the slide out keyboard feature! Smile