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Finding BM stuff

theoutsider's picture

We are moving, and I found BM photos of when she graduated high school and other pictures of people I don't know, so I'm assuming they are from her side... I almost threw them out, My fiance has told her "tough shit" on a few occassion so when she has asked for stuff she left behind, in fact he burned a bunch we found about a year ago, (we are I'm the country and burn all our trash too)... What have others done with stuff left behind?

Lalena75's picture

Obviously since she's asked for things in the past she would likely want them, I agree with Cheri

oldone's picture

Depends on how long it has been there and if she's been told to get her stuff multiple times.

If anyone is just using my house for storage because they were too lazy for ages to come get this stuff I'd just toss it.

luchay's picture

she has ASKED for her stuff, she WANTS it, OP's BF is refusing to allow her to get it.

I would try and be the bigger person about this too, as hard as it is.

Just package it up and tell her to come and get it.

giveitago's picture

We do not have anything belonging BM, unless SD stole it and brought it which case we consider it SD's and we bag it and then it's donated or trashed depending on how much use someone else may get from it.
SS and SD both left their rooms as was when they moved out. (giveitago pinches herself...they moved out!!)
We are busy making the rooms into guest rooms so everything is in another room and once we are ready we'll deal with it. If they happen to come over in the meantime then, by all means, take the stuff with; just do not look for it next time!

stormabruin's picture

I helped DH "pack" a lot of the stuff BM left behind when he moved out of their house. Because I find a lot of sentiment in photos, I did keep those safe. Sadly, some of the dollar tree angel & cherub figurines & the carousel horse figurines got broken when I tossed them (some harder than others) into boxes. Some of them had to be packed twice because I was too gentle the first time.

All of her pictures were returned to her in whatever condition they were found in. Some were of her with her family. Some were of her grandparents. A few were Glamour Shots of her mother. (no way was I going to pass up the opportunity to resurrect those & let them know we'd ever laid eyes on them.) Anything without the kids were returned to her.

We did not return the dildo she stashed in the grimey cabinet next to the plunger under the bathroom sink. We did let her know it was there & that she was welcome to come get it. She never did. I hope someone has moved it since.

We did get her lovely angel pieces back to her.

We just got her cedar chest & what we assumed was her wedding dress back to her. It was in her cedar chest, but she called DH after they got it home & found the dress. She was demanding to know who's wedding dress it was (assuming it was mine). You know, DH & got married in 2009, so it would make perfect sense that my dress would've been straight out of the 80's with the long lacy pointed sleeves & the lacy back with the turtleneck-like collar.

We didn't know who's it was. Dh reminded her of the mannequin she insisted on displaying in their living room when they were together that she'd dress up in different stuff. He suggested maybe it was a dress she'd picked up at Goodwill or something to put on that thing. She still insists that HE has been storing some other woman's wedding gown in HER cedar he had a secret bride or something.

We did discover, about a week later, that the dress was SIL's. Her & BM used to be BFF's, so I'm guessing at some point BM offered to keep SIL's dress for her. I asked SIL if she wanted her dress back. She said no. We never told BM we figured out who it belonged to.

Jsmom's picture

I would do the nice thing and pack it up and leave it on her front step. I am debating that now, with a bunch of pictures of the SK's that I have hidden back in a closet.

Jellybeam's picture

My ex-husband gave me my old pictures back-it was one of nicer, more mature things he has ever done. I was glad to get them because some were of me with dead family members. I also wouldn't have thrown away any of his things that had sentimental value if I had any. I am married to someone else now, but I kept my wedding dress, big wedding pictures, our wedding bands and all the jewelry the ex ever gave me so I can give it to our daughter when she grows up. My parents died when I was 9, and I have a Bible, a figurine, and a couple of photos. That's it.

bi's picture

bm never lived in this house, but fdh's exgf lived here for about a year. in the 4 years between her and i, he didn't get rid of her stuff, not that that's surprising given that he didn't live here the full 4 years and there was a ton of stuff from his ex roommate still here when we moved in together, too. (i was not happy about the mess he left this place in, as i am the one who got to clean it all up). his ex didn't leave much behind, but there were several pairs of shoes. fdh told me i could have them. :? he acted offended when i told him that was disgusting and i was not wearing someone else's shoes. he said she wasn't nasty or anything, and he seemed offended that i must think he was with a dirty person. that isn't what i meant at all. i'm sure she was perfectly fine, but that still does not mean i want to wear her or anyone else's old shoes. :sick:

jumanji's picture

I occasionally still come across stuff of my ex's, and we've been divorced for... (thinking...)... nearly 15 years. I set it aside, shoot him an email and ask him if he'd like it or can I get rid of it.

I'd had a guitar of his (12 string classical guitar) hanging around for ages. It wasn't a big deal to me. He finally told me to just throw it out. Uumm... no. I sold it for $750 and took the kids away for a weekend. Thanks, ex!

fedup13's picture

"Guys don't really care - they usually think as things as just things. Women seem to tie in people and memories to those things."

^^This is so true^^

I would give anything if I could somehow adopt certain aspects of a man's mentality!! They have it so easy.

Last-Wife's picture

This is going to sound SO crazy, but I LOVE coming across pictures of the ex with the skids. She is such a crazy-loon, that during their divorce and custody battle, to get "even" she destroyed all of the skids baby pictures and memorabilia. That's so sick and twisted! I have always loved and cherished photography and scrapbooking, so it just makes me sick to think of all the moments in time that were lost. I recently discovered a box full of negatives down in the basement, so I used my stash of cash to purchase a phoo/negative scanner. Loghead cried in my arms as he saw pictures he hadn't seen in over 15 years! Among those were pictures of Loca's deceased grandmother and nephew. I'm being the bigger person and putting a few things on a disc for her for mother's day.

But not too nice. She doesn't get any of the pictures of the skids! If she wanted those, she shouldn't have destroyed them!

Also, as part of my documentation for court files and our "what if" plans over the years, I made a point to take a pic with her and the skids about once a month when she picked them up. Showed whatever new vehicle she had leased while the skids were in dirty rags... Anyway, it's a nice layout of her gaining over 200 pounds during the last 15 years.

Can I just say, I can't wait to take graduation pictures next month?! i've lost 32 pounds in the last 10 months, and am nearly as skinny as I was on our wedding day 15 years ago, and she's 200+ pounds heavier?!

Preks of Being a Stepmom

sunbeam0901's picture

When SD19 moved in with us, she decided to bring along the wedding album from DH & BM's wedding. SD had another one of her immature fits & moved out, but left the album. I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity to turn it to ash!

And no, I do not feel the least bit guilty. }:)