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SMto5's picture

Does anyone else have issues with the sister in laws being assholes?? I mean just plain mean bitches for no reason! Not that they are friends with BM, they hate her too. Ever since I met DH, I get the cold shoulder or the evil eye roll when they see me.


Anywho78's picture

Why yes, yes I do. The difference is that my evil SIL is my brother's wife. I've known her for 15 years & she goes from bitch to super sweet to bitch to super least yours just remains bitchy! The super sweet times has everyone thrown & they think she's a sweetie...then BAM, bitchy's back & no one knows what to do about it.

midnyt's picture

Ugh really?? That sux, lucky for me, my SO is an only child, and my brothers wife is mostly good, we do rub each other the wrong way sometimes and get the shits with each other but it generally wears off after a week or so.

Could she be jealous of your relationship with your SO/DH?

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I think it is jealousy. I don't have this problem (I just have a wacky MIL and brothers in law who are not an issue for me at all), but I worked with a woman who told me about her husband's sisters. This man was married for a while, and the sisters and the mother apparently caused so much stress that it led to divorce. He later met my co-worker, and they have kids now. His sisters and his mothers refuse to see him or the kids, and have been cruel to my co-worker, who came out and finally asked them why. Their issue is that she (and the first wife) "took him away from them." They never wanted him to marry, he was the baby of the family, and they expected him to stay at home forever. How sad is that?

My friend was married to a man for a short time, and his sisters were the same way. They were horrible to my friend from day one. After she divorced him, he went back to live on the family farm. He is their "go to person" for errands, home projects, etc. Again, sad.

SMto5's picture

My DH is the baby of the family too. It makes things so akward at family gatherings. I made this blog because of holidays coming up. Stressing myself thinking about it. I dodge Thanksgiving, DH told them he had to work but really we were with my family. They do get jealous if they know he is spending more time with my family.

hereiam's picture

I was very good friends with my SIL years before I met my husband, who I met through her. The closer I got to her brother, the more jealous she got. I am not sure if she is more jealous that her brother "stole" her friend or her friend "stole" her brother.

My hubby and I have very little contact with her now. We just don't have it in us to deal with that drama.

It is a little sick, 'cuz there have been times that she acted like she was a lover scorned. Excuse me, he is your BROTHER.

She has always liked to play the martyr, too, which irritates my husband because she doesn't do anything without throwing it in someone's face later. Then she plays the victim. It is just too much.

Kilgore SMom's picture

My SIL lives on the same property as us. One day she is nice and the next day she is a bitch. I never know which one it will be. My DH and her are very close. They work together. She knows more about his income than I do. So there are lots of secerts between the two of them. She has also taken over ss (who is 8yrs). She acts like his mother. People at the school and out in public often think they are married. They defer to each other over everything. Beleive me we have had lots of fights over this. My DH did side with me and they didn't talk for about three months. It was a real strain on his family. So she and I both gave in, to keep the peace in the family. She (SIL) treats our stepMIL the same as she does me. My SMIL and I get our feeling hurt alot. But we just ignore her. I've tried talking to DH but he is so passive with her it does no good. I have no advice when it comes to sibilings. Because I am very close to my sister. Good Luck

LizzieA's picture

SIL issues led me here. Like the OPs, his 3 sisters relied on DH for everything. He was married 20 years and decided to break free from his lazy ex and two worthless kids, who ganged up on DH and kept secrets, like all of them smoking. I knew SIL1 first and she seemed supportive but when we got married, she turned on us and trashed us to everyone. It was really awful. We moved 1000 miles away and DH cut them off. Now they are civil.