Step Daughter Is Staying...
SD14 is staying with us, no going back to live with BM. BM can't afford her and won't discuss any issues without flying off the handle. I don't think it's too much to ask that she not take SD to N/A meetings, give a bed time, etc. The people at those meetings and the topics aren't appropriate for a 14 year old.
Also, BM doesn't have insurance so my guess is she's off her bipolar meds.
She moved into a larger rental because of her new awesome job which fell through and now she's struggling. We can't subject a kid to this or pay for everything here and at her BMs. She's 14 and won't understant this at all...she's alot like her BM. She'll get mad and not understand that it's for her own good.
A great example is that her last visitation she allowed SD14 and a friend to go night swimming with two boys age 15 and 17. I mean really just because she's a lesbian doesn't mean her daughter is. Why would she put a kid in a situation with that kind of temptation. I doubt anything happened but I was a teenager once and I know how easy it is to sneak and fool around with boys.
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