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Sick to death of the attitude and snippy tone

Smomof3's picture

What is the deal with the attitude and snippy tone? We had WWIII here on Thursday and it was all due to attitude and rude snippy behavior. I have never allowed the disrespectful behavior but the Bio-parents we have a mess. My SD14 made a plate for herself, my husband jokingly grabbed it and said "thanks". She went psycho on him and called him lazy. He tells her he was just playing around and she crossed a line. He tells her that her behavior has made him angry and she screams...YOU DON'T THINK I'M PISSED! I went off. Cussing at your parents. OMG.

Then she goes on and on sobbing because we told her she wasn't going to friends house due to her behavior, not controlling her temper, etc.

Today, 2 days later he dad asks for a phone and I said give him yours. She looks at him and says use the house phone. Again, I had to explain how this is bad behavior.

She's pissy because she can't go to a friends house. I'm so sick of her.


imthewife's picture

Sounds like someone needs all ther priviledges stripped for them to get a better perspective...

Maybe someone needs to fix everyone's plate for about a week.....or they go last...

And it sounds like somone doesn't deserve a phone.

Your SD sounds like she needs a huge reminder that her life isn't all bad...

I remember when my SD started that crap with was shut down immediately...keep up letting her know her place...which is in the childrens section.

Smomof3's picture

Oh I know. Newest irritation, which I'm really angry SS13 passed gas at the table. I went off like a roman candle. Their BM thinks this is funny, but I don't. They've belched loudly in restaraunts, etc. and they know what is proper and what is not. I'm sick to death of them thinking everything is a funny joke.

When I said something to him, SD14 took his side, like she gets an opinion. That's their newest tactic...gang up on me.

I banished them both to their rooms for a while...until they think they can behave properly.