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SmelltheRoses's Blog

Finally A Break From SD23

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I was able to have a whole entire month without seeing my SD23! SD23 finally had the twins and I was back to work the next week. Perfect timing!! During her pregnancy, SD23 over dramatized everything and didn't include me in the thank you at her baby shower (as I shared in the last blog).

SD Baby Shower, Not Included in the Thank You

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My SD23's baby shower finally came and went but of course I was ignored in the public thanking of the present like her last baby shower. Why I made myself go thru it again was so that my DH could see that no matter what I do she continues to ignore that I am part of their life after 12 years. She also didn't thank her stepdad which everyone knows is the kindest man.  I made sure to let my DH know that I noticed what she did and reminded him that she had done the same thing at her first.

How to Handle Lack of SD Introducing Me?

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It seems as every time we have a party involving my step daughter she excludes me from introducing me.  This Saturday, she will be having her baby shower and my DH and I will be meeting her boyfriend's family for the first time.  Her desire is to make me feel unwanted and to make people believe we are distant, even though she is always around asking as for help. Anyhow, I have no desire for going to the Baby Shower but will put my desires aside to accompany my DH.  He isn't too happy with her decisions in life but wants to be in her life.

SD Whispering with Mom-in-law

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So I usually try to avoid being near my grown SD but I thought I should try to engage since she is 6 months pregnant. She is pregnant from her new boyfriend and she had asked him to bring her food from inside while we sat outside by the pool. Once he left, she turned around and lowered her voice and was whispering to my mother in law. I thought it was very rude because she was so upset when her step grandmother did that to her and she overheard her talking about  her. I told my husband a few days ago after I was more calm.