SisterNeko's Blog
The ADHD child and the SAHM.
Stay at home step-mom that is. I don't get a say in treatment but I get to spend all day with the child just that same, how fair is that? Yes I know that is just how it work with step parenting, just need to vent.
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At what point do you toss in the towel BM?
Her husband of almost 2 years has turned out to be a real price of work, leaving DH and I to wonder when BM will kick him to the curb, sadly we don't think she can afford to be alone.
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Welcome to the heart break hotel BM
Please enjoy your stay, I know that you have been preparing for this for a long time.
Yesterday was a very interesting day. We took Ss8 for testing with a psychologist. BM was less than helpful during the parent interview. She didn't say much and DH and I contradicted her a few times but I think that she realized a few things that hasn't dawn on her before. Mostly due to comments made by the interviewer. Things like what affect ss6 being a problem baby might have had on ss8, her going to work full time after working part time for awhile, and ss8 need for female attention.
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BM is a special kind of stupid
Apparently she can't read, has the memory of a gold fish and doesn't understand the meaning of divorce.
She called DH yesterday to tell him that equipment pick up for ss8's football at 9 am at the high school, which DH already knew but it wasn't for yesterday like BM implied it was Saturday. Read your emails all the way BM!
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If I were an evil person
I could have cashed in on an opportunity to sway Ss8 to the dark side all because BM broke his heart.
Ss8 started football this week, our week to have them. First practice got called off due to rain. But BM saw SS on Tuesday when she took him to get a phsical and told him that she couldn't make it that day but would come Wednesday (today) to watch him practice.
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Bm's constant need for change
Does anyone else have a BM that seems to crave change? New jobs, new houses, ext. a new interest almost monthly (if not more).
For houses our BM in on the 4 year cycle, meaning she moves about every 4 years and is due to move again soon. The other day there was a for sale by owner sign in her yard now it's gone, not sure if she gave up or sold it.
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Something has to change
But why is it always me that has to change? This is a little off topic.
DH and I have been trying to have a baby for about 10 months now and we agreed awhile back that if we were not pregnant by August we would take 2 months off from trying, mainly to avoid a may brith as both skids were born in may, but also to give ourselves a break and maybe make some changes to aide us in our effort when we resume trying in October.
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The life according to BM
It apparently makes very little sense to everyone else and Daddy's aren't important in creating life.
I am sure most SM's deal with the stupid and random comments/statements that SKids make about life knowing that they probably heard it from BM. But what do you do? Do you correct them or just roll your eyes and walk away?
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Split personallty
That is what ss8 told DH he has last Saturday when DH asked him why he was acting so weird at DH's family reunion (it was bms's weekend but she let us have them).
Where does an 8 year old come up with something like that?
He was acting strange and DH and I both noticed so DH asked him why he was acting strange and ss8 explained that he had split personalities, he acts normal at DH's house and different at BM's. DH was blown away. I wish he had got the confession on video or something!
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Applying issues from one house to another?
Do your skids say/do things that don't make sense to you but you are sure the heard/experienced it some where? Like BM's maybe? But you hate to ask where they got it.
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