Shieldmaiden's Blog
SD18 has issues 2 days in on the new job
SD18 got a job working with kids at a summer camp. Dh and I thought this would be great for her since she loves kids, and they bring her out of her shell. Nope. Two days in on the part-time job and she comes home in a foul mood. Dh fixes us both a nice dinner, and 10 minutes before its done she eats the last bag of my popcorn that I buy for work ( I got zero of it.) She messes over her food and says she is not hungry. We ask her how her day was. She puts on the stinkface and says "um. ok I guess."
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No more freebies
So, ever since my mental breakdown, I've been thinking about some of things that DH said during our fight that were very telling of how he see things. These things also hurt me quite a bit.
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SD16 still asking me to do her laundry
SD16 stopped by last night to drop off SD18 ( who doesn't have a license). My SIL and BIL were there too, and we were all talking in the living room. SD16 asks "Where is my blanket that I left on the couch last week?"
DH says "Oh, I spilled some food on it. I think its in the laundry room."
SD16 says "Daddee! That's gross!" Then she turns to me and says "Can you wash it for me?"
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Having a mental breakdown
I think I am having a mental breakdown. Dh has bipolar, has not been himself lately and he won't talk to me about it. What he will do is seize on a small comment or thing that I said and twist it, pouting and sniping at me until I cry or get angry Then he wants an apology. When I apologize, he says he doesn't believe I am sincere and that I am being manipulative. I can't even figure out why we are fighting in the first place. It feels like he is emotionally detached and just wanting me to suffer. This can go on for hours on the weekends.
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YSD16 is Veruca Salt, personified.
My YSD 16 came over with her older sister last night for weekend visitation. I never know what to expect from these two, because they can both be very moody. YSD16 starts harping on her dad and me in the car, about how we need to do this and that - fix up the house, get a dog, etc.
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Men think they are protecting everyone, but really they are protecting themselves
I've recently come to the realization that its not just my DH that does and says terribly manipulative things in order to "protect me" from his family or vice versa. My own father, whom I dearly love, has recently started lying or bending the truth to suit his needs. He suffers from some sort of neurological degenerative disease in his old age, but refuses to admit that anything is wrong. He lets it slip that he has to see a neurologist every month but when I ask why, he makes excuses.
Social Media and the Skids
Hi Everyone,
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