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Sherrylyn's Blog

I'm taking a break

Sherrylyn's picture

Next week I'm leaving my husband & the boys & visiting with my parents for about a week. I think I'm dreading what will go on while I'm away, but I'm going with the whole ignorance is bliss thing. I'm just making sure that I give them 2 days notice on my return. Doesn't that sound nice?

Hard parenting issue

Sherrylyn's picture

I have 2 SS's, one 19, one 17. Just recently when talking to SS19, it came out that SS17 & his GF14 have been calling him a homosexual (in a crude manner) to his face & to others. This is all because he's shy & doesn't have a GF. SS19 handles it well, but why should he have to?

Ex's sister coming to town for visit

Sherrylyn's picture

I receied an e-mail from my husbands ex's sister last week. She and her husband are coming for a visit and want to visit with us. The ex runs hot and cold with her sister, and I'm not even sure if the ex knows she's coming to town.

They'll be in town for a week and I have TOLD my family that we will be MAKING THE TIME. The boys haven't seen their mom for 2 months or so. Maybe this will force a visit. I would feel better if they did keep the contact up, they will never know when they will want it.

Just getting it out

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I have dealt with all sorts of medical stuff all through my life. That's what I do, deal with stuff. It's no wonder my parents stopped having children after me. On the light end I have allergies and asthma, and they only rear their ugly heads in spring and autumn. But did I really need to have a brain hemorrhage at 18 months which gave me a brain injury that caused me to suffer with epilepsy since. Then there was the brain surgery when I was 11 years old. That was a delight, total paralysis of my right side?, sounds great.

My stepsons web page

Sherrylyn's picture

One night recently our youngest son mentioned that he was putting some things, some humourous, on his web page. It sounded funny and said give us the web address and we'll look at it. Now he's defensive. First he says he can't remember the address, we said that we sure didn't believe that. Then he said that he didn't tell us about it so we could invade his privacy and said that he'll just get rid of it. May I ask, what privacy? You have it posted on the web.

I've been overruled

Sherrylyn's picture

My husband gave the green light to our 17 year old son to spend the weekend away with his 14 year old girlfriend and her family. Now they are going to expect the same whenever they ask.

Everyone knows how I feel, or maybe they're clueless. I guess I must be the proverbial evil stepmother. Oh excuse me I have to run, the small child I lured into my house with candy is almost through baking.

So here we go again

Sherrylyn's picture

My husband got another call from my stepsons GF's father. You know the 14 year old girlfriend. These people aren't stupid either, they don't ask me they ask my husband. I told them my feelings on it, and they ask again. This is like when kids play the parents.
