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secret's Blog

ot / my mom's friend and christmas dinner

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My mom has this friend. I'll call her Ruth.

Ruth's husband passed away the week before my wedding, on my son's 15th bday. (Aug 30). His funeral was the day before my wedding. (Sept 2) My mom brought her to my wedding (Sept 3)

Ruth hit on our best man, dh's best friend, at the wedding. To each their own.... but I didn't appreciate her propositioning our best man to make use of one of my kids' bedroom for a short while.

(He turned her down, btw. He was disgusted.)

This friend now lives with my mom, in her spare room.

Previous step wants to connect...wwyd

secret's picture

Dh was with someone for some time years ago... she had 3 daughters. Her and dh grew up together, were friends when they were kids.

Anyway, dh doesn't have FB. One of his ex's daughters reached out to me on FB by sending me a friend request.

I've just ignored it so far.

Dh didn't raise them, was in their life about 5 years or so as mom's bf... he hasn't seen/heard of them in 10+ years.

OT - so mad right now... .DH's boss

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Went to a staff Christmas party this weekend for DH's work... was held in a hotel downtown. We booked a room.

Long story short, when we left in the morning, the van had been robbed.

Filed a complaint with the hotel, advised DH's boss, because it was a company car and some company property was taken.

I put a review on TripAdvisor. I didn't include any "details" that would identify anyone... I wasn't overly negative, just stated facts.

SS is too cute

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Took ss out for a kids party thing at my workplace yesterday, with dh... and as we're walking back to the van after, ss says "my other mom doens't take do fun stuff with me"

dh says: "your OTHER mom?"

ss: "yeah, with the glasses."

dh: "you have more than 1 mom?"

ss: "yes"

I died. lol

OT / good time for a cleanse

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With holiday parties coming up... I decided last Sunday to start a cleanse of sorts...

Happy to report that from Sunday morning to Sunday morning, I've lost 10.8 lbs.

I expect another 4 or 5 to be gone by Saturday....which is when the first of the parties takes place.

I need a new dress. Teehee!

I'm leaving work soon...and off to the mall to take a look before heading off to boutiques. Kind of exciting. I haven't bought a new dress in AGES.

ETA - removed it. PM if you want it.

OT / update with my son

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Saturday afternoon, my son sent me a text:

"Can I please come to your house on sunday"

I didn't reply, I let him sweat. I did, though, text his dad that I was letting DS sweat but that yes, drop off as usual.

Sunday afternoon, 3ish (he'd have been home around 5 normally) he sent me another text:

"I don't know if you got my text earlier, but I would like to know if I could come over please... It'd also give me a chance to talk to you"

I replied with:

OT / my son developed an as$hole attitude overnight...

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My son (15) is generally a good kid.

Like most teenagers, he has his moments of laziness, but I'm usually on his butt about doing the things he needs to do... and he usually does them with minimal eye rolling etc.

A few months ago, he broke my laptop - it was an accident, I saw it happen... but it was destroyed.


I don't have cable - I only have netflix... and the computer is what we, as a family, used, to connect the netflix and watch it on the tv.

OT / Love this time of year

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I love this time of year. I'm clearing out my garden, finishing up drying all the herbs, bulbs... preserving all the fruit/veggies I'm collecting... planting all the stuff for the spring like onions and garlic...

I love going around to farmers markets for their last minute stuff... last couple years I got 3 crates of roma tomatoes for 10$!

BM has requested they resume the previous arrangement

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BM texted DH today letting him know she's ready to go back to the way things were before.

DH hasn't gotten back to her yet. He says he doesn't really want to, because she's...well... her.

I'm keeping my mouth shut. Part of my is like YES!! DO IT! I NEED A BREAK! but part of me wants things to stay the way things are, because all around, ss's behavior has improved SO MUCH in the last couple months... and I really fear that going back to that witch will make ss severely regress.

He asked me what I thought... I just said that it wasn't my decision to make.
