Seasons's Blog
My Christmas Present!!!
He asked me to marry him and I said yes!!! Merry Christmas!!
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I don't know how to help my BS20
Self love and self respect isn't something that I can just give to my BS20 as a Christmas gift. I would if I could. I am hurting so bad these days. I am so worried about my BS. His BD and I were divorced when he was 9, and BD wasn't envolved at all he works for the railroad and lived 2 states away from us. BD always said that he couldn't live closer because he had to pay CS. My BS was diagonsed with ADHD when he was very young. I fought putting him on Ritalin until I was faced with teachers, principals, councelors telling me how badly that BS needed the medication.
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Password Privacy
OK so I am really upset with my BF this weekend we were surrounded by friends and family and he told everyone what my passwords are for everything!! I can't even discuss it with him until I try to calm down. I couldn't believe he did this... Am I blowing this out of porportion?
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