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bozo rears her ugly head

sarahbernheart's picture

I wasnt sure if I was going to post this but the more I thought about it - I decided what the heck.
So this was our weekend with FH youngest kids 16 and 13. So it was an ok weekend, except Sunday comes and the 13 y/o gets a text from Unibomber saying they need to be ready at 3pm to be p/u. FH doesnt usually meet up with Bozo till around 7ish. So of course FH is like what?? and the kids are like FH just has to call Bozo to find out what is going on, ok I can see that but then I hear him talking about I go into the room where he is talking to her and I hear him start to explain himself to this woman..this woman who kicked said unibomber out of her house when he was 12 this same woman who in the middle of the night clandestinely took off with all their possessions and kids and moved them to an apt. this same woman who left him with a 20k credit card debt this same woman who would not follow court orders for visitation..oh I could go on..
he has to explain his actions to her?? (oh they have been divorced for 7 yrs) she tells him he needs to fix what is happening to FH and Unib? wtf??
I was livid. He does NOT have to explain anything to this woman. where was she when unibomber 13 birthday rolled around ...where was she when he was flunking out of school or drinking or fighting???
FH says he wasnt trying to explain himself to her only that she was the one talking to Unib and thought she might tell Unib what a jerk he was and not FH. wha??? this woman is going to help you out??? no she is going to go back to UNIb and say oh I tried so hard to talk to your dad and help you out but he just doesnt want to talk about it!
why does he care that Unib is telling bozo that his dad is an asshole, she already thinks he is an asshole anyway??
FH tried to convince me he doesnt care what she thinks but I think he does...and that bothers me.


stepwitch's picture

I too am ultra sensative. I think fh doesn't owe her one red thought. Your not wrong.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

sarahbernheart's picture

I told him I wouldnt give a flyng flip if my ex thought I was an azzhole ..
we worked it out but still
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

what bothered me the most is that he felt like he needed her to understand his point, this woman has NEVER had a kind word for FH or the way he was raising Unib (remember she kicked UNIB out at 12)
I mean I can see if they discussed the kids and how they were acting and so forth but that was never the case.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."