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What would you do?

sam's picture

This is something that has been bothering me for awhile now.Let me start out by saying that bm has nothing to do with transportation and has never came to our house because i wont allow her here she is always verbal and has been physical with me which i must add she is lucky she walked away from that one.Anyways we took them back to their moms house on boxing day and ss wanted to bring his dog and bm said that was ok so skids told me.Never heard from them until new years eve bm gets sd to call and come and get the dog which is a 2 hour drive there and back.She wouldnt drive sd on christmas eve to spend with us so we had to drive to get her we were so busy because we were having like 20 people over for xmas day anyways she said no.But when we said no to going to get dog she picked up one of her sd friends and drove the dog all the way here but parked on the road.The sd friend came to the door with the dog.So that was fine as long as it wasnt her but sd must have showed her where we lived.It still pisses me off because sd knows all the trouble she causes and to bring her to our house was a bad idea.Do you think sd should be told that she is not allowed here for any reason?Or am i making a big deal out of it?I feel she should not be around our home and i have a right to speak up because of all her bs.Sd hasnt been here since but when she does come should dh say something to her?


BMJen's picture

right to say she isn't allowed in your house, or even at your door. But don't be upset that she knows where you live and that SD showed her. My son wouldn't be anywhere without me know where the people lived ya know. Granted she is lazy and ridiculous, but I wouldn't much care about that.

I wouldn't even say anything to DH about it. Maybe just what happened, but not fussing about it. I'm sure you would want to know where your kids were to.......ya know.

SM#1's picture

This was the only time, and she not to come to the door. I would let it go. But at least you know that when you tell BM no she is likely to do the driving. You might want to use this to your advantage---since you always get stuck with transportation.