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sam's picture

I have sat here for 5 years watching bm do this to her own children even before i ever came along.I never knew about pas until recently and it is really awful.I reasearched it and it is bm to the tee!!!Everything she does it puts her in the category of obssessed parental alienation it also said that the effects of it on an older child ss 16 can be irreversable that is awful to think because all this time we thought the skids would grow up and realize their mom is wacked.But this almost never happens especially if its been going on for years and years which in my dh case it has been.I wish i knew then what i know now.


stepmom2one's picture

when I first came to this site. I knew BM was doing it but I did not know it was so common and had a title for itself. I doubt BM know how bad this is for SD, it makes me wonder if someone did this to her when her parents were divorced. I know after her parents divorced she started and still calls her father by his first name. Maybe BM thinks it is normal, or a normal way to manipulate to get her way.

Its sad what these women (and some men) put their kids through. All just to 'get back' at the ex. I don't understand why people can't just move on and do what is best for their children.