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Update: SM pulled me aside after I told her our issues were "water under the bridge" (demanding an apology)

sadlonelyone's picture

I told her tonight was about love and I'm sorry for the past and said "God bless you" just before I returned to the dance hall and closed the door in her face. No drama for me. (We are guests at my cousin's wedding reception).

Edit: my dad and husband say just "ignore her" and "be happy."  I have to say.. She has been silent all night while I have been "Belle of the Ball" if you will. I am happy and free. She wants an apology from me but all of my apologies will never recolor her black heart.

She told me she wanted an apology as dinner was being served. Obviously what I told her wasn't satisfying so she pulled me aside to "make peace" during cake and dancing. I told her some positive fluff words, said "God bless you" as i walked away, and said bye to her last when we left. She literally sat there talking to no one all night.

I almost want to pity her. I felt like I was talking to a 6 year old, not a 60 year old. Her emotional intelligence is at zero and if I didn't know better, I'd say borderline psychopathic.

She doesn't even like or respect me and my dad said she still sees me as a child. Why is my apology so important? To make me submit? I called her a gold digger and threatened to air our dirty laundry on Facebook 2 years ago to expose her. I meant it all and as a 29 year old woman, I apologize to no one I don't want to anymore. I will never respect her and I want to give my dad an earful but.. I vented to my husband this morning and I think that's enough. We even joked BM at least would've kissed my ass and hugged me and talked behind my back later to save face like a normal adult lol my SM pouted like my toddler the whole night.

Edit: my 3 year old made friends with the other little girl at the party and everyone was making comments the whole night about how sweet they were walking around holding hands. SM commented to my dad how cute my kid is then brews on ancient drama with me all night. This is the exact reason I went no contact: she can't dislike me this much in proximity of my kids. 


Ispofacto's picture

There's no greater crime than carefree happiness.  

Perhaps she'll expose her arse to everyone. 


CajunMom's picture

That was you at that wedding! As for your SM....she needs a counselor to work through HER stuff. I shuddered when you said her age. That's how old I am. I cannot imagine trying to "confront" anything AT. A. Wedding. OMG. 

She's really missing out. Sad for her. And great for you being so respectful.