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Rosedeer1's picture

Well our BM brought our son home because she is the one who decided to move an hour away and then my SS told me that he had to help mommy move. Why in the fuc* did she not move last weekend which was the first of July when she did not have her 5 year old in the car riding an hour to the old house to move sh*t to the new house. Then she gets her and tells my DH that son had a good time with his friends, he has no friends at the new house she obviously just moved this weekend. I hate how she tries to make her 7th move in 3 years seem like it was a good choice for a parent by saying her son had a good time. HELLO he is 5 he will have a good time anywhere if the adult makes it a good time, he told me he did not want to move into the new apartment and not see mommy every because he loves daddy so much. I just hate how she can make out him driving in a car for 2 hours or more while moving a fun weekend!!!! WTF,WTF,WTF


Amazed's picture

you're having a hard time with her:( I REALLY REALLY like that you have the type of relationship with ss that you can say, "BM brought OUR son home..." That is just so positive:) Kudos honey!

BUT, as annoying as BM is...I think she might try to "talk up" her time with her son because she's intimidated by you being a better mom to him than she is right now. She might have a lot of stupid crap in her life that makes it difficult for her to have a real relationship with her child...I bet she has a soul full of guilt about not being there for him. Obviously, there is no excuse for not being a good parent but the only thing you can do to stay sane in regard to her is see it from her shoes I guess. Maybe that will cut down on frustration? Again though, I think it's so loving and awesome that you are 100% there for your stepson...he's a lucky little man.

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

Rosedeer1's picture

I do try to see it from her side, but it is sooo hard, because I have never had a child but can not imagine moving an hour away just for my own selfish reason. I hope that she is filled with guilt as she should be, she did all of this to herself and I wish she would own up to it, it is sooo hard to move on with all my anger at how awful she treats my ss, her own son, she does not care she has moved his home with her 7 times in 3 years and changed his daycare with her 10 times in 3 years and then wonder why he would rather be at our house, probably because he knows where home is with us. Thanks for you kind words they keep me sane and not fighting with my DH over something neither one of us has control over!!!