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BMs Why Can't they figure out their lives???

Rosedeer1's picture

I hear you, but I just want
Submitted by Rosedeer1 on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 3:49pm.
I hear you all and appreciate the advice, but I just want to make one thing clear my DH was never the NCP they both had split custody and split placement and then he went back and forth every 3 days, time was split equally. I understand what all of you are saying but I too do not understand why she wants her son to stay the night on Sunday to go to a stranger on Monday, when he can be with his aunt. She is the one moving and therefore has to do the transportation and I do not care that she has to drive an hour each way that is her stupid fault and not fair to her son, making him drive that long but this is what she wants and to me a mother puts their child before herself and him having to drive an hour each way so she can live the single life when she does not have him is not fair to him. She should have thought about this before she had a baby, she is 30 not 20 and needs to grow up and think about her kid. I have no bio kids of mine own but I love my SS and my foster daughter and have given up some things I want to do because that is what being a parent is about, I do feel parents should have fun and a life of their own but not at the expense of their children if you do not what to be a parent then do not have the child. I do not take offense to what anyone is saying on her and I am glad you all understand where I am coming from I agree she can do nothing to make me happy and she should not have to, but I get very upset when she decides to move again for the 7th time and now wants him to stay at a new daycare every other Monday, the 10th daycare she has put him at, just so she can live her life, her life should be more about her son and less about herself. She did not move for a better job or to be near family she moved to be closer to friends who she meet a year ago and could have meet friends around here if she wanted to, but again she does not think of her son so now he has to move for the 7th time and put his bed in the living room because she only got a one bedroom apartment, again not thinking of her son. So why does she act like she cares so much and she still has not told my DH that she is moving not that DH has a say nor should he, but his son will be affected by all of this so it would be nice to know what she is doing, I hear from my SS that he is sleeping in a living room but staying at "Berttas" house during the day and that the apartment is only to sleep in but his toys are at "Berttas" house, how is a 5 year old suppose to feel? How can she not see how she is affecting him, forget about me, it is about him and I NEVER say anything about her to him, if he talks about her I act SOOOOO happy I make myself sick and I do this all for him, in hopes that one day he Sees the truth. Thank you for your advice I do feel better and realize that I need to support my DH and worry less about her and I understand some of you are in her spot but I hope you have not been arrested for threatening to kill someone and then breaking an order of protection, move your child 6 times and change his daycare 9 times, all of this is not a mother and if you did all of that to your child then you should understand why you do not have them!!!~

THE UPDATE: My DHs lawyer told him that the order is for when BM does not have to work on days SS has off of school, however since DH won it would be good to come to an agreement for summer they both agree on because that is why he won, the courts knew he was the better and more reasonable parent, so now BM is picking him up on thurs. nights on her weekends and brining him back 6. She was going to drive and hour friday mornings to take him back to a new daycare friday mornings and them keep him until 6 on monday, but DH told her what his lawyer said and finally stood up and said if we do not agree you are not getting him, so now his change from summer to school will not be a huge change only BM getting him on fridays instead of thursdays because he is coming home on sundays anyway, this is every other weekend! So it is really only 4 times this summer that he has to go to his 10th daycare she has decided to put him in, great mom huh? I cant believe she is moving an hour away and then acting like she still cares about her son, if you want to be apart of his life then dont quit your job and dont move just so you can go out living a single life, hello you do have a child, oh wait I'm sorry I have a child!!


tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

and not having their kids. It only confuses them in the long run. My BM loved being pregnant and the attention that came with it but the day in day out of parenting she couldn't handle. All 3 skids would be dropped off at my MIL and my MIL would never say anything to DH that they were there all day while she was running around.

DH married the bioytch to do the right thing. BM kept telling him the birth control failed. How does one believe birth control fails everytime you use it. I told DH how stupid to believe that she was the 1% 3 times in a row. The reason why the pills fails is because of the USER. That is a good word USER.

After DH kicked her out of the house and filed for divorce. BM stated to my MIL and anyone that would listen that she needed to find herself and be with the guy that she cheated on DH with and within 18 months her and my DH would be married again. I guess I ruined her plan. After we got engaged is when she started being overly active in the 2 kids my husband has in their lives. the attorney said it best that BM is unhappy with her life and only want to make DH miserable as well.

BM is a sociopath and could care less about the kids now. She now has her eye on the CS prize. Every dime will be spent on herself and not them at all. 2 of the kids have figured that DH would do anything for them and put their needs first while the oldest is in la la land thinking that his biomom will finally love him.

I guess no one can make it today making over $30 an hour. BM always included SS15 in her financial woes and DH finally told him how much she made. This is after he said that BM is broke and couldn't pay for his sports camp. (DH has financial responsibilty for SS15 so I don't know why BM just didn't say its on your dad's dime)

Since I have been with DH 2 of the kids have asked me before we got married ...what do I do for a living? do I own my house? how much money do I make? how much is my car payment?

My biokids have no clue so why in the world would I share with a 10 and 14 year old at the time? My standard answer when the ask about money related questions...."you are a child and need not to worry about anything that is grown up related. your job is to be a kid money is an adult issue or problem"

I really do feel for the boys they are great kids and make great grades despite BM mentally torturing them on a daily basis. Her part of the summer is almost over and they will come back a few days before the court date. Maybe we can have some time to deprogram the oldest. BM moved next to the school (her 6 move in 3 years and she calls herself more stable than DH) so now she is off the hook picking SS15 up from football practice. OH! the house she used to live in was huge and she thought she was better than she is in a smaller house again...the bigger they are (which she is huge!) the harder they fall!!