Just a little irked
This is nothing big , just have to vent. SO has a company vehicle and a car that is really old. I have a nice car. He drives the company vehicle around town in the daylight but doesn't like to drive it at night. I have issues with how SO is used by BM and SS and I don't need to go over all of that. It has been quite awhile now that I have told SO that I don't want him driving my vehicle to run SS around wherever BM says too. My boundary even if it sounds petty. He keeps trying to use my car and I have to keep saying like I will move mine so you can use yours, I don't have enough gas, etc. because I don't want to get into an argument about bringing up my boundary again. He tried it again tonight saying my car was in the way. I said I will just go move it. I did but then one minute after he pulled out he said be ready to get my when I run out of gas(there is plenty to get him where he is going). He just wanted to make a point to me that I didn't let him use mine. Rant over.
- RockyRoads's blog
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Not petty. You paid good
Not petty. You paid good money for a nice car. He has a beater and a company car but wants to put miles on yours to run his kids around....why? Because he doesn't pay the upkeep for your car. He can use one of his TWO cars. Hold your ground against the mooch. ETA plus teens are dirty, esp after sports practice. He doesn't want to mess up his company car.
Rumple, you've written; He
Rumple, you've written; He doesn't want to mess up his company car. Also, he's transporting an entitled teenage boy who would dislike having his friends see him in a 'beater'. And heaven forbid that the lad should suffer any embarrassment; far better for OP's partner to use her 'nice car' to pick up his son.
Honestly, Rocky, I often
Honestly, Rocky, I often wonder how you manage to stay with your SO. No offence meant but he is an unbending bossy-britches who wouldn’t last a week with grannyd. His ex-wife has far too much influence on him and, subsequently, on your relationship.
As is often asked on this site, where do you see yourself in five years; in ten? You’ve already invested time enough and, IMHO, you are flogging a dead horse.
Of course, you should not be offering your vehicle, that you likely purchased, insure and maintain, in order to accommodate the demands of your partner's ex-wife! And no doubt, he’ll pout and complain about your refusal. But wait; he already has!
smh. I get and support your position on this.
Not that our situation was in any way SKid related. For 6 years while SS was in middle school and HS, I had a company car. I drove that car any time, anywhere I chose to. It was a perq of the role I was in. Fully funded company car. I schlepped SS and his HS friends around in it countless times. We took road trip long weekends with that vehicle.
When my boss left and I got a new boss. Suddenly it was a problem, that was not really a problem. My offer letter included "A fully funded company vehicle will be provided for the duration of the assignment." I expensed gas, oil changes, repairs, service, etc... I scanned the offer letter, sent it to my new boss, and never heard another word about it.
I took a transfer and promotion to a home office assignment after 6yrs and surrendere9mos laterd my company vehicle.
DW could even drive my company car. Company policy was that per-diem assignments allowed for licensed driver spouses to drive the vehicle. The last year I was forced to take a relocation. That pissed the client off to no end as relocation costs were highly audited and per-diem roles were covered under discretionary budgets. So, my bass mandated that I take a relo, that pissed the client off, I transferred about 9mos later. A year later the company lost the contract. A contract that I had salvaged and then run successfully for 6yrs.
Anyway, this guy can drive his company car, or his beater to schlep his failed family progeny around. Why depreciate your personally owned asset funded with marital money with more miles than neccessary when there are othe options.
On that note, my DW and I have two vehicles. Both the same year. Hers we bought new off of the dealership show room floor. I bought mine a year later as a low mileage certified program car from the manufacturer. Even if we had bought them at the same time brand new, hers is twice the cost of mine. 6yrs after we bought mine, mine has 50% more miles on it than hers has. Hers has very low mileage. We drive the doors off of mine when we are together. It just makes sense to preserve the value of hers over mine.
DH tried to get me to let SD
DH tried to get me to let SD borrow my old car. I told him, "No, I'm not comfortable with that." The end.
Just no.
My car is an extension of my purse, my boudoir, my closet. I have "emergency" earrings there, "emergency" mascara, perfume, snacks, a couple of different pairs of shoes and jackets, so no, you don't just get to shove your smelly teenager in there.
if he whines about ot using
if he whines about not using your car remind him "you have two cars you can chose from, mine in not one of those."
Frustrating for sure. It isn
Frustrating for sure. It isn't really even so much about the reason he is doing the driving.. his kid. This is YOUR car.. YOU pay for. Extra miles decreases the value and increases the frequency of upkeep and repairs (tires, oil changes etc).. it can also impact insurance rates. It would be one thing if this was a car that was never used and needed occasional use to keep the seals lubricated etc.. (sitting cars can fall apart.. lol).. but it's not.
AND.. the elephant in the room is that you are in a shaky relationship with this guy.. you could be out the door at any time..and that car would have to last you a good long while if you had to live on your own. So, NOPE.. not racking up miles sir.
Unfortunately your SO
Just don't get is. Do you wonder why SS is the way he is. A '''little SO'' . SS has no respect and SO has no respect. It's your car. You don't want SS in it, Nothung wrong with that. What's wrong is BM controlling your life and time
Stick to your boundary. To me
Stick to your boundary. To me, it's worth an arguement, if that's the way he wants to go.
It shouldn't be an arguement, though, it is YOUR car. If he were to be in an accident, it would be on you and your insurance, regardless of who was driving. If he were to total it, even with insuranace, it would cost you money out of pocket. If he were in an accident that hurt other people, you and your insurance company would be the ones sued.
My DH and I have been together for almost 29 years. He never drives my car and I only drive his when we are together (I don't like his driving).
Also, if he doesn't like driving the company car at night, what makes driving YOUR car at night okay? Obviously, he's worried about his night driving and getting into an accident with the company car but I guess taking that chance with your car is fine and dandy. Whatever the reason, just, no.
Being in a relationship doesn't mean that everything that's yours, is also his. He needs to respect that, he needs to respect you.
When I was dealing with the
When I was dealing with the Disneyland dad he literally assumed ALL of my possessions could be used by him or his kids if it was in sight and visible to them.
I had to set his a$$ straight like "look here Bob, neither you nor your kids paid for this nor will y'all pay if y'all destroy it so unless I give permission ----> leave MY items alone!!!"
Unless he's paid for your car, maintenance, gas, insurance then he has no business using YOUR car without your consent first
Just keep being crystal clear on your boundaries (which unless he's legally deaf / profoundly mentally challenged you shouldn't have to repeat plus he understands very well he's just hoping you will break down and weaken your boundaries for his satisfaction) and if he dare plow past your boundaries then you need to reconsider the relationship
A man who does not respect your boundaries does not respect YOU ... so why give your prime years and your p00m p00m to someone who doesn't respect you?
Once again, Lilly, you've hit
Once again, Lilly, you've hit the nail on the head:
Unless he's paid for your car, maintenance, gas, insurance then he has no business using YOUR car without your consent first.
Two years ago, my DH bought me a beautiful, new car; he pays the insurance, the maintenance and provides the fuel yet he continues to use his own, older vehicle and, on the rare occasion that he needs my car, he always asks my permission. Without respect and boundaries, a relationship will not thrive.
I was just thinking that ...
I was just thinking that ... heck even if my dude paid for my car I'd still want some consideration with how my belongings are being used
So he did contribute to
So he did contribute to paying it off and we are on the same insurance. I am petty because I refuse to let him run SS around in my car becuse BM demands him to run SS to everything. He has two other vehicles to do that in. I am wondering since SS is older now if he has said to SO that he doesn't want to be seen in the old crappy car or the work vehicle which is an older mini van. I don't know the reason but the other two vehicles work just fine. I think I am entitled to some boundaries. Right? Even though it is petty .
You are NOT being petty. I
You are NOT being petty. I paid for my car, the insurance is a joint contract ( much cheaper), but it is MY car. NOBODY BUT NOBODY DRIVES IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
As I mentioned in an earlier
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Rocky, teens are loath to be seen in an aged vehicle. I recall when my ex-husband picked up my then teenaged daughters from a basketball game in his winter ‘beater’ and returned home laughing at how they slid down in their seats, groaning miserably, when he drove past a group of their teammates. The ex claimed that the girls behaved as though they were being chauffeured in Jed Clampett’s ‘Swamp Rat’, rather than a perfectly respectable (albeit venerable) Buick.
I am wondering since SS is
It's not petty
Men are driven to solve problems in a way that doesn't drain, inconvenience, disturbing their women's peace
Also at not one point did he
Also at not one point did he say "I'm paying on your car and handling insurance so I can use your car for ss shuttle service
did but then one minute after
Dude be ready to end up as a 3rd time single dad if you keep pretending like you don't understand basic respect and boundaries
Honestly.. if my DH said that
Honestly.. if my DH said that to me I would respond as follows.
Look, if you don't have enough fuel to get to the nearest gas station then it sounds like you planned very poorly and how did you think you were going to be able to figure that out? Seems pretty simple to stop into the "quickstop" on the way.. and there is no way that I should need to come bail you out of a problem that is very easily prevented.. especially since you know now that you are low on fuel.
Unless they live in the most rural of central wyoming... there is a gas station within 15-20 miles of their home.. and an IDIOT would only come home with not enough gas to make that distance. Just about every car I have ever driven has this thing called a fuel guage.. more recent vehicles even spell out for you how many more miles you are estimated to get before running out.
I really don't have a problem telling my DH.. "You caused this problem.. yourself.. "
I get to drive the chariot of the Empress today!
The A/C has gone out in my car. It is warm enough that DW told me this AM that I should take her car when I head to the dry cleaners and the grocery store today.
We have two cars. Same year. For some reason, my AC has given up the ghost. Probably over a month ago but it has been cool and I have not had to use the A/C.
We only take her car when we are going off road or on long road trips. Mine gets used for any other together driving. She drives hers to work.
The only time I drive hers by myself is when I am putting gas in it.
This thing with DH and using your car to schlep SS around is odd. Something is definitely off about it.
About him running out of gas ...
"Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."