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Somebody's lying!

Regina's picture

This is not the first time that SD9 has been lying but this takes the cake. Let me back up for a minute...

So the SD9 & SS7 now live with their BM, much to my delight, I do not have to take care of them on my own or force myself to interact with them on a daily basis. It is quite lovely.

Unfortunately there are still problems and now DH has to deal with the Ex's numerous requests for money that she is NOT entitled to. She only saw the kids once for a week in 3 years and she wants to claim them on her taxes for 2008. Not only is it illegal it's ridiculous that she would even think for a second that she is entitled to it. What a gold digger... DH said no way and finally after she asked him about 5 times he told her off! It was awesome, it turned me on to see him stand up for himself like that. He usually gives in to shut her up but he stood his ground this time, yay! Oh, and we were able to buy the car after all, our loan was approved. Thank goodness or I probably would have left. If we couldn't have got a car because of his poor choices in the past it wouldn't been too much for me. With money from tax return he is going to pay off her car as much as he can so he won't owe her anything monthly except for child support.

So, the latest thing to happen is that DH got a voicemail from Ex yelling and screaming about how he didn't tell her how many times I have disciplined SS7 and that I'm a bitch and he's a bad parent, etc. Somebody is lying because I only disciplined SS7 one time the entire 3 years they lived with DH! And the situation was that he had woken up at 1am in the middle of the week, turned on all the lights in the house, went down to the kitchen and was eating cake! In the middle of the freaking night! And I am a heavy sleeper and he woke me up by turning all the lights on and opening and closing doors. Ridiculous. Unfortunately my husband was not home but even so, I would not have done anything any differently because that was just too much. SD9 has been caught in a major lie before so it's pretty safe to say that she is lying to her BM. Don't care, it's a clusterf#ck over there at that house anyway. The ex's brother called my DH a couple days ago and told him all about the situation over there. Their ex-con brother that just got out of prison and is now living there, with the kids! The lesbian gf is living there, with the kids! (I don't personally approve of that lifestyle but whatever...) 3 adults and 2 kids are living in a 2 bedroom house. Also, the ex has been calling the brother that contacted DH and asking him for money now too now that he has a stable job. What a mess!!! Anyway, DH said he would talk to SD9 and ask her about the lies but it's almost pointless because she has been caught in a major lie before and she tried to sell it by screaming and crying and acting ridiculous. Anyway, any comments are welcome! Don't hold back, I know this is nuts!! I couldn't have ever thought up any of this in 1 million years!


frustratedinMA's picture

Make sure he files first. First to file gets them. Sad to say. FILE AS SOON AS YOU CAN.. then when she STILL tries to file for them, the IRS will go after her. Otherwise, you will have to go through a lengthy process to get to file for them, and stuff if she files first.

SerendipitySM's picture

FIM is right about this - it happened to my DH!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

stepmasochist's picture

We're going to have to do the "rather lengthy" process for FH to get the credit for his kids. But it'll be worth it, not just for the fact that he gets his money, but I know that BM always does a refund anticipation loan so she can beat him to the punch and if she does that this year . . . she's going to have to pay it back, possibly with interest. And that interest is something like 80% OUCH!

now4teens's picture

I know you are upset about this, so take a DEEP BREATH.

One- Does your DH REALLY believe anything your SD9 is saying about you?

Two- Do you really CARE what that crazy BM is saying about you?

Three- if the answer to 1 and 2 is NO (which I'm thinking it is) then the problem is easier than you think...

With regard to your SD9 lying...there should be CONSEQUENCES for her actions. If she is caught telling lies, then there should be a consequence for that. Perhaps her tv or video privlidges taken away or something like that.

And with regard to the BM...I agree with "Frustrated"- file first AND talk to a tax attorney. What she is doing may be against the law. And the other stuff (the crazy phone messages) WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!!

I'm sorry you have to deal with her nonsense.

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

Tara12's picture

I had this happen to me. File those taxes ASAP. One year my exH tried that and about a year later I got investigated by the IRS - eventually it got straightened out but it was a mess. My Ex hadn't even seen my son for about a year and a half at that point and when he did he only saw him maybe 2 or 3 times a year and I ALWAYS had custody. He just did for money. SCUM!

Anon2009's picture

I get hungry at night every now and then too and go downstairs to get something. Maybe your DH could show him how to do it more quietly.

About SD, there absolutely needs to be consequences for her actions. Like 5teens said, maybe she could lose her video privileges.

I never thought I'd say this, but the BM in your situation might just be a tad bit nuttier than mine (and I say "a tad" because my BM also qualifies as a psycho, evil woman). WTF is she doing letting an EX-CON live with her? Your DH really needs to be on the alert now. I'm afraid for your skids- this pervert might try to hurt them. Your DH needs to be looking out for signs of abuse, because this sort of thing happens all too often.

About BM, my BM has tried to pull similar stunts. We got the kids in January 2007. She tried to file them on her tax returns for 2007. DH talked to the attorney and IRS and put the kibosh on that.