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none of my business but I am still curious

SisterNeko's picture

BM told DH that she can't take SS7 to the dentist next Friday because she is having surgery. I know it's not my place but I would like to know what is wrong with her (physically, mentally I know she is a fruit cake). Does that make me a stalker?

A number of weeks ago SS7 told us that BM was in the hospital over night and she was in the ER with something before that. Now I don't want anything to be seriously wrong with her but I wonder what affect her aliment has on her ability to parent the 2 sKids? I asked her if she needed any help and she just said no and added that she 'should' be fine. She also asked DH not to tell SS7 about the surgery because of SS7's anxiety issues, she doesn't want him to worry. Now there is a first. But that is her weekend to have the sKids so no sure how she is going to keep it from them but what ever. DH offered to take them but she said she would have enough family in town.

Our theory's range from plastic surgery to trying to get her tubes untied. But we aren't ruling out something more serious and less 'elective' she has had issues with black outs and 'seizures' in that past (while pregnant with SS5) and they could have been the early signs of a serious medical condition.

Then again she also lied about taking SS7 to a wedding a few weeks ago to get him out of Therapy. Turned out SHE was going to a wedding and SS7 was staying in town with BM's mom (who could have taken him or DH/I could have taken him and dropped him off with Gma afterwords). Would BM lie about having surgery to avoid taking SS7 to the dentist - honestly wouldn't surprise me. She knows there is a chance he will have to have more teeth pulled but she did offer to have her husband take him, DH said no. Unlike taking him to Therapy the dentist may need a parent on hand to make a medical choice.

Oh well I guess we will see.


pixiedust10's picture

It's hard not to be curious at times of what is going on, I am simply so I can know when the next s$&%storm might happen and I can plan accordingly. That was very kind of you to offer to take SS while she has her medical issues. It was also smart of her to ask Dh not to tell SS7, it's between them ultimately, but at least she showed a sensible thought. Smile HOPEFULLY, she is being honest and you and DH won't have to suffer any backlash from something crazy happening.

Good luck!

SisterNeko's picture

Thanks. As much as I would like BM to just go away (at times) I would hate for anything bad to happen to her as the children would miss her deeply and suffer a great loss. I hope they aren't try to get pregnant BM can't handle to 2 she has - which she only has the 50% of the time. And I hope it's nothing genetic that the boys need worry about down the road.

And I know BM won't ask for my help because she doesn't like me most of the time but I still offer. Just for the kids.