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What do you do when you think there may be something wrong with BM?

SisterNeko's picture

Like seriously mentally wrong?

She has always been a little out there but lately it's like getting worse. She is forgetful (what mom isn't some days?). But she forgot a few appointments, I texted her to come get something and she said she'd be over after a meeting that 'shouldn't take long' then texted me 3 hours later! Wanting to know if we were still home. She gave ss9 a pink round thing, ss11 thinks it was pepto, for a sore throat.

More concerning DH was telling her ss11 had band practice this week and she just looked at him blankly and said she was confused, he was confusing her with Wednesday and Thursday (he has practice all week Monday - Thursday). Then she said she was just tired.

It's just odd now but what if is gets worse or to the point where it's not safe for the kids? Do we get a lawyer? Call Child services?


Mky0005's picture

Oh wow !! Is she using drugs? Look at court paperwork. Maybe there's a clause about withholding visits from an unfit parent. CPS isn't a bad idea. Document it for yourself!!!!

SisterNeko's picture

More concerned about 'I'm confused' thing. It wasn't something that should have been confusing and DH said she just appeared out of it. I worry about drug use or alcoholism. She had a medical condition while pregnant with Ss9 and Doctor told her not to drink but I know she does just not how much she does.

Salems Lot's picture

Medical conditions such as anemia can cause confusion and memory loss...I've been there. Maybe someone can politely suggest she have her iron levels checked.
Calling CPS without knowing all the facts is a little much.