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Redredwine's Blog

Do I tell DH or not that skid didn't follow the rule again?

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So, I know that skid (OSS) yesterday technically followed the rule that his phone stay in the kitchen while doing homework. (This is the next day, after the "you're picking on my kid" convo about it that time). DH was gone with other YSS. Instead of taking the phone back to his room, he spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen on it while DH was gone. So, if DH asked him if the phone stayed in the kitchen, OSS can truthfully say it did.

You can't scam a scammer. I played these games with my parents. I know what questions to ask and how to spot a half truth.

Thought this Mother's Day couldn't be worse. I was wrong.

Redredwine's picture

This is about my BS, who is 14.

Last year EVERYONE (my skids, my husband, my mother and father, people at church, anyone else I met) wished me Happy Mother's Day. My then 13-year-old son was there. He heard them. He didn't say a word and I had to make a point of talking to him about it at 7pm at night. He said he was waiting until he gave me his card. I pointed out that he had all day to do it AND all the people who wished me well. It would have cost him three words.

Quick, I need responses for a talk tonight about DH and BMs mods to the CO.

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This is exactly one of those times I'll be damned if I do and damned if I don't.

DH wants to review the draft stipulation with me. We all know he really doesn't want my opinion. I've also posted how much I suck at the bubbleheaded responses like "you know best" and "wow, that's an interesting way to do it" without still sounding fake or ultimately snarky.

What nothing phrases can I say that won't sound insincere, can be said with a straight face, and keep from going down a rat hole?

Addendum: and won't make me vomit.

Ever feel like there's subtle PAS against you as a stepparent?

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It's not blatant but it's there in the little and big things that shows that BM is trying to make sure I don't have too much/any influence over the skids, not even in a helpful way. And she isn't belligerent, it all come from a place of being a "good parent" but it's wearing on me.

Hay-ell No! Don't make me the evil one.

Redredwine's picture

So my kid forgot to do a simple thing last night that he's ALWAYS forgetting lately. I've gotten on his ass about it and it's just not happening. DH noticed it, let me know, and asked if I would like him to address it.

I said sure, glad it's not just me saying something.

This is how he started: "Redredwine said I should tell you..."

And DH heard me roar from the the other room: "I don't THINK so!"

This is unheard of on this site: too many showers!

Redredwine's picture

Why is it always an extreme? The skids have to be told to shower but my kid is taking multiple showers a day.

He's early teen and I have smelled his funky feet twice in two years because he has always taken a (single) shower every day before he goes to bed. Lately he's been taking multiple showers a day. They aren't long enough for "that" to be happening. (Or he's very fast at "that.")

My guess: he likes the way his hair looks when it's freshly washed and gets too frustrated trying to fix it with just water and a comb so he takes a shower. He's obsessed with his hair.

Wow, BM.

Redredwine's picture

Not gonna get into specifics. But I do have to say I'm awed at how long BM can hold a grudge, how far she will go, and how much she will let it affect her kids. And I thought my ExH held the world record. Nope.

It's getting to be that time of year again: Mothers/Fathers Day

Redredwine's picture

I have handled helping the skids get DH a present for Father's Day because we are married, I'm here in the house, I know what he likes to do and they like to do, I have the ability to work with the skids on whatever it is. DH told BM the first year we were married something about me helping the skids get him a father's day gift. Every year except for one she has also gone with the skids to get him a gift (not sure what happened that year, and I thought she had finally let it drop...I was wrong). And, the gifts she has helped them with are nothing that DH wants or needs.
