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Reb86's Blog

My SO may have hero complex

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We live in Western NC and as many have seen on the news, it is utter devastation. We are alive and well as are our loved ones and no major damage other than a roof leak and a little flooding in the basement. We are the lucky ones and the few. So many have lost everything including their lives. No one could have ever expected this...not like this. 

Vegas trip and permanent ink that is apparently no so permanent...

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We recently took my SS17 to Vegas. It is one of the spots where you may get a tattoo with parental consent under age 18. We took him for the sole purpose of his first tattoo that he has been begging for. He is a good kid, makes good grades, plays sports and is very well mannered. 

The world revolves around SD and we are teaching her that every day!

Reb86's picture

I'm not even really sure where to begin. I am easily annoyed… Or triggered? My SD7 is sweet, funny, kind intuitive and also spoiled. There are times that she gets quiet usually when we're riding in the car and she stares out the window. I myself am a very introspective, self reflective, quiet person as is my SO. 
However there seems to be this need of my SO to incessantly check on my SD. 

7 year old with separation anxiety

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Curious how many have dealt with 7 year olds that cry when leaving mommy. It's not always. My SD recently turned 7 and she and bio mom have a very codependent relationship. It certainly feeds bio mom's narcissistic ego to have her baby girl need her and want her and cry for her. She is spoiled by mom in every way. They sleep in the same bed. My SD has learned to people please to mom. 

I’m just here to vent today…spoiling SD!

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My SD just turned 7. We have her 50% of the time. Where we live is to be closer to her so school/schedule etc and mostly dealing with psychotic biomom is made simpler. Bio mom is SD's bestie. They sleep together and do everything together and this child is spoiled spoiled spoiled to the core. Their relationship is not mother daughter. It is the codependent dynamic duo. 

Mommy dearest…

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My SD6 has never asked to spend less time with us (we have her 50%) nor does she complain or get upset when with us. There is certainly a good 1/2 hour to hour of "detox" when we first get her as her biomoms influence can make her sassy/rude/distant. So there have been occasions when she is crying not to leave mom when we first get her but it's literally within minutes that she is fine and her normal happy self. I believe she feels some of it but I also believe some of it is for mom's sake and approval. It makes bio mom so happy to see her baby cry for her.

Vacation is definitely not my own

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There have been many days I've felt like my life is not my own. I look forward to the days it is just me and my SO. I have resentment and probably jealousy about the amount of affection and doting my SD gets. She is a beautiful, sweet, kind and loveable 6 year old. She is also sassy and rude and gross and 100000000% spoiled. She is sooooo spoiled by her bio mom and my SO doesn't seem to see how he is also contributing to that.

When to step in?

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As a step parent, when is the time to step in regarding behavior, teaching manners, rules, etc? I guess what I am really asking about is teaching manners. When do I start making this a lesson we are going to work on with my 6yr SD? Why haven't I already? Part of me feels like it's not my place. Part of me thinks she's still young and there's time to just be a kid and goofy and gross. Let's face it, kids are gross! Part of me thinks it won't take because my SO can be pretty gross himself. 

Toxic ex in coparenting situation

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I am new here and hopefully I've found the right outlet to allow me to vent from time to time and to gain some insight and guidance from those who have been there. 
I've no kids of my own and marrying into my new Family with two stepchildren. A 16-year-old boy who has his own vehicle and comes over when he wants which is nice and a six-year-old girl that we have 50% of the time.  Both are great kids, smart, loving and kind.

There are some frustrations and issues related to the six-year-old and how coddled and spoiled she is, but I'll save that topic for another day.