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The little brat told me no...

quippers01's picture

I work 3rd shift and get home around 5:15am at which point I watch a little TV and wind down before bed. This is also the only time I have to enjoy peace in my home when SD is here. This morning I got home and put on my jammies and started one of my shows online. At 5:30 SD5 walks into the livingroom. I told her it was too early for her to be up and to go back to bed and try to sleep. The little brat told me no and turned the TV on. I was livid.

I could have handled it a couple of different ways but no matter what it would have ended with DH taking the princess by her precious little hand and walking her back to bed where he would proceed to coddle, cuddle, and pamper her until she was feelin warm, fuzzy and happy again...thereby rewarding her behavior. Or he would have gotten up and stayed up watching TV with her and catering to whatever she wanted...either way it would have just pissed me off more. So I just went to bed and left her there.

As I was walking out of the livingroom shsse pushed a button on the tv that turned it to a channel without reception and she didn't know how to fix it. That amused me. I went on to bed. After about half an hour her I heard her whining that the tv won't work. She did that a few times and then was quiet for about another half hour and when I was just about asleep she starts whining "daaaaddy" over and over again for a good 10 minutes. He didn't wake up so I got up and asked her what her problem was and in her whiney voice says "I want daddy". I said he's sleeping and you should be too and went back to bed. Getting back into bed woke DH up so I said your kid's up...he said "already?" I said ya has been for a while now and rolled over and went to sleep.

I won't go over the details of when I brought it up to DH...after being well dosed on Xanax so I wouldn't end up screaming like the crazy person I am... but it didn't go well anyway.

Christ, I can't take much more of this. I told DH I would give the meds another 4 weeks to get in my system totally but if they don't help me be able to tolerate SD he's going to need to start thinking about if he can be with someone who can't stand his kid or him when she's around. I am out of ideas and none of the tools in my psychological arsenal have worked and the meds were my last resort. After the great week I had, that I contribute mostly to my new meds, I had high hopes for this visit but I am not so optimistic anymore. I don't think there are enough meds in this world that will help me tolerate his spoiled brat.


Anon2009's picture

I agree with sueu2, DH needs to get his parenting act together.

This is not something the meds can cure on their own. DH needs to start enforcing some rules with SD. In order for SD's behavior to change, he needs to change. SD needs him to change, too. He's not doing her any favors by handling her behavior the way he does. Once he starts handling it better, you'll feel a lot less resentment.