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O/T vent about DH

3bk1sd's picture

Last night the kids and I were sitting in the livingroom watching a movie. DH was sitting at the table looking at the paper and sort of watching the movie at the same time. He wasn't really into it, it was a kids movie. Anyway BD (2) was running out to see him with a bowl of popcorn when she spilled it. DH said "oh oh, there's a big mess here for you to clean up". An hour or so later when I was downstairs getting the older two kids to bed DH yells down, BD just peed on the floor and slipped in it, you better get up here to clean it" She's been going on the potty and so I left her diaper off but I guess she didn't make it.
Once the kids were all in bed I said "you're an ass, you couldn't have cleaned the popcorn up or at least thrown a rag on the pee?" He said "oh, I didn't think of it".
This morning I woke up late for work and when I said "oh, crap, I'm gonna be late" he just looked at me and put in his ear plugs. Whenever he's late I always get up and help him get ready, he could have made my lunch or coffee, but no he'd rather sleep. What a lazy ass!!


ohxitsxapril's picture

Oh no I would of been like well you saw her make the mess you clean it! Or I would of said why you tellin me for!? I'm glad you called him out on it though hopefully he will think about it next time and just expect you to clean up all the messes!

3bk1sd's picture

"... like he takes you for granted." Oh, does he ever. Sometimes I will tell myself to ignore him the next time he asks for something but it's such a habit now that I usually do it and then realize I shouldn't have.