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Piss Sock

StepDoormat's picture

I just need to vent.

My puppy (10mos old) had an accident on the floor that I didn't know about. You have to understand that I keep my house immaculate... which is very hard for skids to understand because their mom is one step away from needing her house condemned it's so disgusting.

I walk into the dining room and SS10's sock is on my DINING f-ing ROOM table! I said - "Why is your sock on the table?!" He said... "Oh, I had to take it off because I stepped in Puppy's pee".

WTF! How does a 10-year old not know that dining room tables are where people EAT?! So - I gave him the furniture polish and told him he needed to clean my table. Guess what?! He's never cleaned a table in his life and didn't even know what to do!

I hate skid weekends. At least SD16 and SD13 don't come over anymore...

StepDoormat's picture

Ugh! I don't even think they eat at a table at BM's house. I was raised that you always ask to be excused... they wolf down their food and exit the table before I even take my first bite. I can't even enjoy the food I make when they're in my home.

Yesterday at the breakfast table, SS10 started doing his math homework! I mean... great. You're doing your homework. But, you're too dumb to do it yourself. So, instead of enjoying breakfast, DH was helping him add 5+2. Couldn't that have waited 30 minutes until we were done eating? The table is for eating - not multitasking.

Then again... I guess when all you eat at BMs is Hot Pockets and pizza rolls, you wouldn't understand the importance of a meal at the table.

StepDoormat's picture

LOL... yeah. It's the best thing you've ever seen in the forum.
Wait until you have a piss sock on your dinner table.

c-mom's picture

Sounds like you and I are rowing the same boat. Except, I used to keep my house immaculate. I can't seem to keep it clean since moving in with such slobs.

StepDoormat's picture

I'm finding it harder... and harder. The worst part is that after 16 years of DH being married to a complete slob, he never really thinks twice about leaving "little things" laying around. His ex was a SAHM and never lifted a finger. I guess after a while, you get used to living in a barn, and you don't care. DH tells me all the time how much he appreciates our home, and really works hard to help me with it now.

hismineandours's picture

I can one up you. SS14 left his piss underwear on my table. Yes, that's right. He pissed his pants and then took off the piss underwear and laid them on my table. Why? I have no freaking idea. I almost had a nervous breakdown earlier this year with that kid living in my house because of stunts like that and I am NOT in any way shape or form an anal, obsessive compulsive person.

I am not sure if this is his number one gross out thing because there are MANY (such as storing a dead fish in his room for several days)but it simply shows the complete lack of regard for others in the household.

dledden's picture

how does one PISS himself at 14? OMGGGG, I would have hung them out on my front porch with a sign that says "SKID, do not leave your PISSED IN UNDERPANTS ON MY TABLE EVER AGAIN"!!!! so all his friends, ane veryone who drive by can see it, you know that shit will go viral FAST....he'll learn, one way or another! }:)

StickAFork's picture

There's not enough Lysol in the world...

Although, flip side, urine is supposed to be clean. Wink

Carah's picture

Omg I am so sorry for all of you I really am!! But I am gutting myself laughing at all these comments!!!! Holy crap I think I just pissed my pants maybe I will put them on the table!

IronRose's picture

Not on the bed-side table, not on the coffee table, not on the end table, RIGHT ON THE FREAKING DINING ROOM TABLE.

Sounds perfectly reasonable!

IronRose's picture

Last week SD-16 peeled off a dirty old band-aid & left on my dining room table. Less than 5ft away from the garbage can.
And still won't admit that was improper, b/c she WAS going to throw it out, eventualy... :jawdrop: :sick: :jawdrop:

Are SKIDS so fucking sick b/c of the "Kitty Litter" BMs?

StillRixchick's picture

What is it with these grossly filthy skids...disgusting hygiene and habits galore :sick:

SD18 is one of these types. Imagine Pigpen from Charley Brown x 1000 lol - I swear she walks aroung with this huge cloud of filth surrounding her, EEEWWWWWW!