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The Harpee is off her Rocker- update

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SO the ex-parte hearing was today. Oy that chick is crazy.

So she is accusing FDH of abusing the boys (CRAZY shit, like tying them up! :jawdrop: )
So it went something like this:

Judge: how did you get this info?

Harpee: from the SS7.

Judge: Was this coroborated?

Harpee: yes, by SS5.

Judge: so this is just what the kids have said?

Harpee: yes.

Judge: is there a pending investigation?

Harpee: no

Judge: did you talk to their dad about this?

Harpee: no.

Judge: Why not?

The Harpee is off her rocker! ADVICE PLEASE!

Purplemom's picture

So last night was the first night of the new schedule that the Harpee and FDH agreed on in writing. She wanted them to go to baseball, FDH sent an email late last night saying "no thanks, this is the new schedule and they have only had 28 hours a week with me till now, we ned to let things settle, they can go sat"

So today SHE KEPT THE KIDS, won't tell him where they are, won't let there be ANY visitation and filed for an ex-parte hearing. When he asks why she says "based on things the boys have said" but won't say what they have said.

The Harpee Strikes Again!

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So FDH goes to pick up the boys for 4 of his 28 hours of the week visit (luckily the Harpee recently pulled her head out and agreed to more time- so that will change soon)

FDH expressed his displeasure at
a. being given less than 4 hours notice that the boys had a baseball game and
b. that the boys were obligated to an activity without his consent during his very limited visitation time.

What am I getting myself into?!

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I'm so glad I found this site! I have been equally comforted and terrified by everyone's posts!

Question: given the below scenario do you think PAS is taking place, and if yes how does FDH counter it?

SS's (1.5, 4, 5, 7) Have recently been HORRIBLE to FDH. The baby is fine, but the older three are throwing major tantrums, telling FDH he is stupid and that they hate him and don't want to see him. They also say things like "You are mean because you spank us" (He doesn't spank them)
