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Grand theft auto for 12 yr old...great job mom...ugh

Purple hope's picture

My bf son showed up this weekend asking to move gaming system to his room to play his new game his mom bought him...grand theft auto V. I asked bf what he was doing, explained the explicit issues with the game and fb let him know it was inappropriate and to take it to moms and not bring it back.

I am disgusted and irritated that any mother would allow, much less purchase this game. Once again she proves that her parenting choices are NOT in the best interest of the children...just ugh...

What do you think. Did we do ok, or should we have taken it away...I'm afrId that would have sparked even more issues.


oneoffour's picture

As you do not own the game but own the gaming system the obvious solution is to remove the game and return it to BM when he goes back there. He is not permitted to play an explicit game in your home. And why does he need a gaming system in his room?

Generic's picture

That girlfriend sounds CLASSY.

I think that violent video games are more in play with our declining society than people want to admit. I think they are devastating to our senses. But hey, it keeps the kids out of our hair right- and that's all that matters :?

Purple hope's picture

We play minecraft together, and I'm guessing by moving the system in his room, maybe he thought I wouldn't figure it out and let his dad know about what's in the game. We did send a text to BM, letting her know that he said he got it from her, and asking if she had any information about the game and the mature content.

The kids have mentioned the game before, and should have known we wouldn't approve but since turning 12, he seems to think he's grown more than just a year, and was just testing limits.

I just don't know if BM ever thinks about anything. She badmouths their dad constantly, yet we pay for everything and are the only ones who seem to actually take their best interest in consideration. Ugh...stupid woman.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I don't mean any offense here, but, I personally see a HUGE difference between a parent sitting down and watching horror movies WITH their kids and a kid playing a game like GTA5 alone in their room for hours on end. In the former, you are there to have conversations with your kids about the movie and help them enjoy it for its entertainment value. In the latter, the kid is by himself with a game that is not appropriate for their age.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

We have long tried to engage in convos with SD about the media she consumes, whether it be a website, a video game, music, or TV/movies. And it's not just because GUBM isn't that kind of parent - she just lets SD consume whatever media without any sort of interaction on her part - it's because this is the kind of parenting FDH and I want to participate in, we would do it if SD were our BD.

PetStr's picture

BM bought GTA5 for SS9. He brought it over and I walked in on his little character smoking a bong, hanging out in strip clubs and doing prostitutes doggy style. DH confiscated it. Stupid Biobitch got pissed and keeps asking us to pay her the price of the game back

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SD has many age-inappropriate games courtesy of GUBM. About three years ago, when she was just 11, SD was eyeing up my Saints Row 2 game and was telling FDH that she really wanted that game because it sounded like so much fun based on a review she read in Game Informer (I never played it when she was around). FDH said that he didn't think it was appropriate for her age and that he wouldn't be buying it for her. So she went to GUBM who purchased it for her. *smh*.

Azure's picture

Absolutely did the right thing. They are only children for a very small portion of their lives. When they grow up they have the rest of their lives to whatever they want, including any video game they want. They will have plenty of time for that. While they are children though, let's preserve a little innocence.

Purple hope's picture

Response from B.M.

"K, are you restricting (15 yr old too) and are you also restricting call of duty and Halo also, those are just as horrid."

Bf will not respond...will not let it become a drawn out issue (which is what she thrives on).

We do allow call of duty and Halo, with the language filters on or sound turned down ( because of the cursing) and they are only played in main room where we are and can monitor anything played. She just wanted to make points, but cover her fat butt. Oh well, won't be played here, not that one, not here. Our house, our rules. Let her be a crappy mom what else is new.