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Pinkleton's Blog

Pinkleton Divorce: Validation of why I'm happy I am out of stepfamily life

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STBXH and I have a few more loose ends to tie up. Transferring a car is one of them. I texted him to find out a detail about doing that.. he snapped and said "I don't have time for that right now. BM is dropping kids off for a week in two hours and I have no idea what i'm going to do. I'll have to deal with the car later."

Pinkleton Divorce: I have a fancy new keypad deadbolt

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It’s been a bit since I’ve visited. A rough couple weeks, if you will. 

Stbxh is gone. He moved out yesterday. It was painful and I have overwhelming, mixed, confused emotions.

i hooked up the shitty tv he left me in my bedroom. (I kept the largest tv in the living room, he took the second best tv out of my bedroom, and I kept some shitty tv that was in his kids room). Whatever. All I wanted was the living room tv really. 

Pinkleton Divorce: The skids chapter

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this is some shit. Stbx won’t communicate with me except in text. Okay whatever. I spoke some peace yesterday and blatantly said, “it’s more complicated for us to avoid eachother like this than just be civil. I’m not bitter or angry anymore because it won’t change anything. We just want different things in life and it’s not working together.” He responds with telling me the only thing he is upset about is that I never asked if I could say goodbye to his kids. i Told him if he wants to sit down together and tell them, that’s fine with me.. but I don’t know what to say to them by myself.

What are your thoughts about last names post-divorce?

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As i posted, I am filing for divorce. I don't really have another option if I want to demonstrate any kind of self-respect. 

I have a fairly complex situation and i'm contemplating keeping my married last name. Most people understand that.....then i say I don't have kids with this man and I was married for one year.....then people tend to say "WHAT??? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING HIS NAME???"

Goodbye to Stepfamily life for good... we are separating and i will be filing for divorce

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I used to post here a lot under a different username, I left, then came back and lurked for a little while. 

I came to say goodbye. It's been a freaking nightmare for the past 7-8 months. We just passed our first wedding anniversary and now i'll be filing for divorce soon. I gave it my all, I tried really hard to make our marriage work.. it's not going too. There's too many factors involved to even list.

I will get the pleasure of going through a divorce during my 28th birthday. I am crushed, hurt, and dying inside.. but I also feel free at the thought of separating. 

Do you financially care for biokids and stepkids the same?

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DH has two kids that he sees EOWE. I have no bio kids, but we want to have kids in the future. 


DH and I were talking about future things and I brought up about starting a bank account when we have a baby so I can direct deposit a small amount of money every pay to save for our child for something like a car, college, house, etc. it will never be a ton of money.. but I’m determined to save at least some money for my kids so they have some help when they reach young adulthood, just like my parents did for me.